Locale-Country-EU-0.004 |
Module to check if a country is in the European Union ( EU ) using various ISO data formats |
22 May 2018 16:04:19 UTC |
Locale-Country-EU-0.003 |
Module to check if a country is in the European Union ( EU ) using various ISO data formats |
22 May 2018 15:48:54 UTC |
Locale-Country-EU-0.002 |
Module to check if a country is in the European Union ( EU ) using various ISO data formats |
28 Apr 2018 00:16:58 UTC |
Locale-Country-EU-0.001 |
Module to check if a country is in the European Union ( EU ) using various ISO data formats |
28 Apr 2018 00:15:30 UTC |
Locale-Country-EU-0.001-TRIAL |
Module to check if a country is in the European Union ( EU ) using various ISO data formats |
28 Apr 2018 00:15:18 UTC |
locale-country-eu-0.001 |
Perl extension for determining if a country is within the EU using various ISO values |
26 Apr 2018 23:55:49 UTC |