PDL-GSL-Randist-0.03 |
PDL binding to the GSL (GNU Scientific Libray) Random Distribution functions |
18 Jun 2013 11:40:25 UTC |
PDL-GSL-Randist-0.02 |
PDL binding to the GSL (GNU Scientific Libray) Random Distribution functions |
31 May 2013 23:19:27 UTC |
Bio-GenomeMap-0.03 |
Data structure store and query genomically indexed data efficiently using SQLite's R*Tree. |
29 May 2013 01:29:59 UTC |
File-Temp-Rename-0.02 |
Create a temporary file object for output, and rename it when done. |
29 May 2013 01:29:48 UTC |
File-Temp-Rename-0.01 |
Create a temporary file object for output, and rename it when done. |
12 Apr 2013 11:51:43 UTC |
Bio-GenomeMap-0.01 |
Data structure store and query genomically indexed data efficiently using SQLite's R*Tree. |
12 Apr 2013 11:38:54 UTC |
PDL-CholeskyPP-0.0.2 |
PDL Cholesky Decomposition implemented in pdlpp without external dependencies. |
06 Jul 2012 08:00:15 UTC |