Revision history for Perl extension aws-lambda

0.5.2 2025-01-20T20:32:05Z
    - Perl 5.40.1 and 5.38.3 are released #164
    - ap-northeast-7 adn mx-central-1 are available #166
    - bump IO::Socket::SSL 2.089 #155
    - bump YAML::XS 0.902.0 #156, #158
    - bump Mozii::CA 20240924 #159
    - bump Cpanel::JSON::XS v4.39 #160
    - bump YAML::Tiny v1.76 #161, #162

0.5.1 2024-08-26T11:04:34Z
    - ap-southeast-5 is available
    - AWS Lambda Functions powered by AWS Graviton2 now available on ca-west-1
    - bump JSON::MaybeXS 1.004008 #152, #153
    - bump Mozilla::CA 20240730 #150
    - bump IO::Socket::SSL 2.088 #147, 148, #149

0.5.0 2024-06-11T05:13:06Z
    - Perl 5.40.0 is released
    - bump IO::Socket::SSL 2.085 #140
    - bump YAML::XS 0.89 #142

0.4.3 2024-01-22T01:05:31Z
    - bump Paws v0.46 #138
    - bump YAML 1.31 #136
    - bump Net::SSLeay 1.94 #137

0.4.2 2023-12-22T00:18:48Z
    - ca-west-1 is available
    - bump Mozilla::CA 20231213

0.4.1 2023-12-01T14:13:48Z
    - Perl 5.38.2 and 5.36.3 are released

0.4.0 2023-11-14T10:45:45Z
    - introduce Amazon Linux 2023 based image

0.3.0 2023-09-04T11:31:05Z
    - AWS Lambda Functions powered by AWS Graviton2 now available in 6 additional regions #121 
    - disable HTTP timeout #119
    - bump Mozilla::CA 20230821 #120

0.2.0 2023-08-09T11:25:36Z
    - bump Mozilla::CA 20230807
    - support streaming response

0.1.2 2023-08-05T22:22:19Z
    - bump Mozilla::CA 20230801
    - install Carton

0.1.1 2023-08-01T13:32:15Z
    - ap-south-2, ap-southeast-4, eu-central-2, eu-south-2 and il-central-1 are available.

0.1.0 2023-07-31T11:31:41Z
    - switch build environment from lambci/lambda based to based.
    - stop building Amazon Linux 2 based layers.
        - These layers are still available however they will not receive any updates.

0.0.40 2023-07-09T17:55:20Z
    - Perl 5.38.0 is released
    - Perl 5.36.1 is released

0.0.39 2022-11-20T18:56:48Z
    - update dependency modules

0.0.38 2022-11-13T05:40:29Z
    - fix Untagged opnames warnings, closes
    - Off load perlstrip to AWS Lambda.
    - add fallback to content-type

0.0.37 2022-10-08T13:28:41Z
    - arm64 compatible layers are now available on 12 additional regions
        - Africa (Cape Town) af-south-1
        - Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2
        - Asia Pacific (Jakarta) ap-southeast-3
        - Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) ap-east-1
        - Asia Pacific (Osaka) ap-northeast-3
        - Canada (Central) ca-central-1
        - Europe (Paris) eu-west-3
        - Europe (Stockholm) eu-north-1
        - Europe (Milan) eu-south-1
        - Middle East (Bahrain) me-south-1
        - South America (Sao Paulo) sa-east-1
        - US West (N. California) us-west-1
    - x86_64 compatible layers are now available on Middle East (UAE) Region me-central-1

0.0.36 2022-05-30T14:10:22Z
    - support AWS Lambda Functions URLs

0.0.35 2022-03-25T07:55:09Z
    - Perl 5.34.1 is released

0.0.34 2021-12-16T09:26:58Z
    - Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region ap-southeast-3 is available

0.0.33 2021-11-22T00:18:42Z
    - add missing dependency expat

0.0.32 2021-11-21T01:39:00Z
    - fix broken dependencies, closes
    - migrate to

0.0.31 2021-10-26T13:20:57Z
    - Europe (Stockholm) eu-north-1 is available

0.0.30 2021-10-06T00:13:52Z
    - add amd64 compatible layers
    - pre-install some modules

0.0.29 2021-07-16T11:25:47Z
    - bump Paws 0.44

0.0.28 2021-06-13T15:46:13Z
    - Fix mojibake when the input and the output are utf8 encoded
    - Update WwwCounter v4.0.0 in the examples

0.0.27 2021-05-21T03:58:38Z
    - Perl 5.34.0 is released

0.0.26 2021-05-09T02:54:24Z
    - bump Paws 0.43

0.0.25 2021-03-02T05:32:05Z
    - new region Asia Pacific (Osaka) ap-northeast-3 is available
    - custom registry name is now available
      - old one is still alive

0.0.24 2021-01-25T10:18:13Z
    - perl 5.32.1 is released

0.0.23 2021-01-02T02:20:42Z
    - support Container Image format

0.0.22 2020-08-15T04:48:07Z
    - Perl 5.32.0 on Amazon Linux 2 is released

0.0.21 2020-06-22T11:24:18Z
    - Nothing changes. I mistook releasing v0.0.20 and v0.0.19

0.0.20 2020-06-21T01:48:12Z
    - Perl 5.32.0 is released

0.0.19 2020-06-19T23:02:01Z
    - add interface for getting layers' information

0.0.18 2020-06-02T19:54:22Z
    - Perl 5.30.3 and 5.28.3 are released

0.0.17 2020-04-28T10:07:10Z
    - new region Europe (Milan) eu-south-1 is available

0.0.16 2020-04-23T00:23:44Z
    - new region Africa (Cape Town) af-south-1 is available

0.0.15 2020-04-17T11:53:53Z
    - fix syntax error of POD

0.0.14 2020-04-11T11:37:43Z
    - AWS::Lambda::PSGI supports API Gateway v2 now

0.0.13 2020-03-15T00:14:09Z
    - perl 5.30.2 is released

0.0.12 2020-03-11T06:42:11Z
    - bump up AWS::XRay to 0.11

0.0.11 2019-11-13T03:04:08Z
    - perl 5.30.1 is released

0.0.10 2019-09-21T20:07:37Z
    - apply perlstrip and podstrip

0.0.9 2019-08-24T07:07:48Z
    - new region Middle East (Bahrain) me-south-1 is available

0.0.8 2019-08-22T00:01:37Z
    - minor fix of typo in the pod

0.0.7 2019-08-21T09:15:30Z
    - support XRay and AWS::XRay is pre-installed
    - AWS::Lambda::PSGI injects the lambda request id into psgix.request_id

0.0.6 2019-07-16T16:45:33Z
    - add Paws layer
    - use virtual hosted–style s3 urls instead of path style urls

0.0.5 2019-05-22T12:42:18Z
    - perl 5.30.0 is released
    - Support the AWS Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Region (ap-east-1)

0.0.4 2019-04-20T07:09:46Z
    - perl 5.28.2 is released

0.0.3 2019-04-18T06:17:14Z
    - Added missing prereq URI::Escape as suggested by CPANTS. #13 (thx @manwar)

0.0.2 2019-04-17T07:14:14Z
    - set SCRIPT_NAME environment value (fixes #7)
    - install Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy

0.0.1 2019-03-10T06:01:37Z
    - original version