# Changes for Antsy

0.906 2025-01-06T06:15:05Z
	* refresh distro and move to BRIANDFOY

0.905 2024-01-14T05:00:23Z
	* fix extra file in MANIFEST (#11)

0.904 2024-01-07T22:57:43Z
	* refresh distro

0.903 2021-12-24T16:17:51Z
	* The previous release had a problem with the Changes file

0.902 2021-12-24T16:06:36Z
	* ki3v sent a correction for the ordering of the clear_* numbers. Github #1
	* Added iTerm2 sequences https://iterm2.com/documentation-escape-codes.html

0.901 2021-02-25T20:33:25Z
	* First release.