2002-05-30 Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <miyagawa@edge.co.jp>
* deprecated RSSOrderBy, RSSHTMLRegexp
* add autoindex style of query string options (M=A, N=D etc.)
* refactoring the code
2002-05-17 IKEBE Tomohiro <ikebe@edge.co.jp>
* DIR_MERGE works correctly.
* added RSSOrderBy directive.
2002-05-10 IKEBE Tomohiro <ikebe@edge.co.jp>
* RSSHTMLRegexp is obsolete. use subreq to determine text/html.
* escape some elements. (eg. title, description)
* fixed docs.
2002-05-09 IKEBE Tomohiro <ikebe@edge.co.jp>
* lib/Apache/RSS.pm: fixed docs.
* original version