$App::CSE::Command::Unwatch::VERSION = '0.016';
use Moose;
extends qw/App::CSE::Command/;
my $LOGGER = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
sub execute{
my ($self) = @_;
my $colorizer = $self->cse()->colorizer();
my $colored = sub{ $colorizer->colored(@_);};
my $cse = $self->cse();
my $previous_pid = $cse->index_meta()->{'watcher.pid'};
unless( $previous_pid ){
$LOGGER->warn("No watcher PID in ".$cse->index_meta_file()." - nothing to do");
return 1;
# A previous pid should be a number.
( $previous_pid ) = ( $previous_pid =~ /(\d+)/ );
unless( kill(0, $previous_pid ) ){
$LOGGER->warn(&$colored("Previous watcher (PID=".$previous_pid.") is already dead. Nothing to do",
"yellow bold"));
delete $self->cse->index_meta()->{'watcher.pid'};
delete $self->cse->index_meta()->{'watcher.start'};
return 1;
kill 15, $previous_pid;
my $n_attempts = 4;
my $wait_time = 1;
while( $n_attempts-- ){
unless( kill(0 , $previous_pid ) ){
$LOGGER->info(&$colored("Watcher PID=$previous_pid has terminated gracefully" , "green bold"));
delete $self->cse->index_meta()->{'watcher.pid'};
delete $self->cse->index_meta()->{'watcher.start'};
return 0;
$wait_time <<= 1;
$LOGGER->error(&$colored("PID=$previous_pid refuses to terminate gracefully. Attempting to kill 9 it", "red bold"));
kill 9 , $previous_pid;
return 1;