Created: 2000-01-28
Maintainer: Jonas Smedegaard (JONASS) <>
v3.3.9 2023-07-04
[ Bug Fixes ]
fix: properly catch second decoding error, to try raw as fallback of
both explicit and iso-8859-1 encoding (broken since v3.3.1)
[ Test Suite ]
relax encoding tests to cover String::License v0.0.6
relax stderr for a few encoding tests
skip encoding tests on cygwin
[ Other ]
log failure error before retry notice
use Feature::Compat::Class after core features, to support newer perl;
thanks to Jitka Plesníková and Graham Knop (see RT#148507)
v3.3.8 2023-01-18
[ Test Suite ]
skip test reading.t with too old String::Copyright
[ Packaging ]
test-recommend String::Copyright 0.003009
v3.3.7 2023-01-17
[ Packaging ]
test-require Test2::Tools::Command
v3.3.6 2023-01-16
[ Packaging ]
really use String::License
v3.3.5 2023-01-15
externalize license resolving: use String::License
stop (directly) use re::engine::RE2 Array::IntSpan experimental
Regexp::Pattern Regexp::Pattern::License File::BaseDir File::Basename
Software::LicenseUtils YAML::XS Test::Without::Module
use Test2::Tools::Command (not Test::Command::Simple)
v3.3.4 2023-01-14
[ Bug Fixes ]
use warnings, no longer done in Feature::Compat::Class since v0.05
[ Test Suite ]
fix plan count to work on older perls
v3.3.3 2023-01-09
[ Bug Fixes ]
avoid silence warnings on older (but not too old) perls
v3.3.2 2023-01-07
[ Bug Fixes ]
avoid silence warnings on older perls
[ Test Suite ]
rewrite fedora tests
v3.3.1 2023-01-03
[ Bug Fixes ]
resolve naming schemes when listing licenses
[ Documentation ]
extend copyright to include present year
improve synopsis
[ Test Suite ]
add author tests to check SYNOPSIS
simplify and generalize tests slightly
tell Perl::Critic that Object::Pad implicitly enables strict and
[ Packaging ]
tighten dependency on Pod::Usage to silence spurious 'used only once:
possible typo' warning notably with perls older than 5.18
unset executable bit on module file in source
[ Other ]
have module methods return lists, and print to STDOUT in main script
modernize class instantiations to use field and :param and ADJUST (not
has and BUILD)
parse shortname schemes in main script, slightly simplifying modules
refactor to iterate files in main script
rename parameter shortname_scheme -> schemes, and validate
stop include path in log messages within method parse_license
use Feature::Compat::Class (not Object::Pad)
use Feature::Compat::Try (not Try::Tiny)
use Object::Pad 0.74
v3.3.0 2022-01-08
[ Bug Fixes ]
catch decoding errors and retry as iso-8859-1 encoding
fix dumping of content tail
[ Documentation ]
clarify option --tail
update TODOs, and reformat as CommonMark
[ Test Suite ]
add tests reading only header and tail
check full contents of Software::License generated data
enable debug output for encoding tests
fix one devscripts TODO test
parse perl-generated Software::License data as utf8
refactor to directly use App::Licensecheck (i.e. drop local module
rewrite Software::License tests to check against library
rewrite devscripts tests to use library
separate script report tests from devscripts.t
use only SPDX shortnames (not also debian shortnames) for
Software::License and SPDX tests, and list only deviating entries
[ Other ]
Added: add options --quiet --debug --trace (and deprecate now no-op
option --no-verbose)
Run perltidier (not perltidy) with tidyall
avoid given/when
call log->trace() (not log->tracef()) for simple strings
change option --skipped to use Log::Tiny (not core warn), and log as
debug when not set
declare package version with package name, and move POD sections NAME
have $fh $license $copyrights as slots (not local variables)
improve resolving offset
logging: dump content as trace (not notice)
logging: log fatal errors using Log::Tiny
logging: log files processed as debug, with decoding details (not
tersely as trace)
logging: warn about obsolete options using Log::Tiny (not using core
logging: warn tersely on file decoding failure, and list error message
as debug (not all as notice)
merge method parse_lines() into parse_file(), and use $encoding slot
(stop redefine as local variable)
pass around File object (not path, content and (currently unused) offset
in content)
refactor to have slot $path in main class (not class File)
refactor to hold semi-cleaned content (not cleaned-for-license-parsing)
in slot $content
refactor to merge local class File into main class
refactor to read and decode files in method content()
refactor to use Object::Pad (not Moo or MooX::Struct)
use named arguments for struct objects
v3.2.14 2021-11-22
[ Bug Fixes ]
fix tests to use executable set in environment variable LICENSECHECK
Paul Gevers++
v3.2.13 2021-10-11
[ Bug Fixes ]
fix encoding tests flag as TODO tests using undecoded input:
String::Copyright documented to accept only strings
Adrian Bunk++
[ Test Suite ]
tighten test to not fail with old String::Copyright
[ Other ]
relax dependency on perl to v5.12, and explicitly 'use' it, to slightly
simplify boilerplate
stop use version (unneeded with modern perl)
tighten runtime-dependency on Encode, to avoid 'Use of uninitialized
value' on stderr
v3.2.12 2021-08-30
[ Bug Fixes ]
use path-less shebang (not indirect env executable, and execute from
blib subdir when available
Slaven Rezić++
v3.2.11 2021-08-18
[ Test Suite ]
skip *-no-RE2 tests unless installed Regexp::Pattern::License is recent
enough to support it
v3.2.10 2021-08-18
[ Documentation ]
improve POD markup of SYNOPSIS and a few code strings
[ Test Suite ]
improve tests
test-require Test::Without::Module
[ Packaging ]
relax to recommend (not depend on) module re::engine::RE2
v3.2.9 2021-08-16
[ Packaging ]
stop use Sort::Key::Multi
[ Other ]
strip xml tag <ref ...>, and extend to strip html tags <p> <br> with
attributes (not only bare tags)
v3.2.8 2021-08-15
fix tests and silence warnings with Regexp::Pattern::License less than
v3.2.7 2021-08-14
[ Bug Fixes ]
extend local lgpl dual-license pattern to not assume name patterns
include trait published_by, required since Regexp::Pattern::License
stop treat : or :// as cruft
strip simple closing (not only opening) html tags as cruft
[ Test Suite ]
add test for (not yet detected) BSD-3-clause~Refractions
simplify tests
stop skip author test apparently succeding nowadays
test-recommend Regexp::Pattern::License 3.9.0
update author tests to cover Regexp::Pattern::License v3.9.0
[ Other ]
avoid hardcoding names of specific prefix traits
detect python_2 and (additional, standalone) cnri_python in same file
force atomic scan for mit_new, to avoid misdetecting ambiguous MIT X11
grant as only x11
optimize: compile only patterns actually used
v3.2.6 2021-08-07
[ Documentation ]
correct typo in SEE ALSO entry
extend copyright to include present year
[ Test Suite ]
update author tests to cover Regexp::Pattern::License v3.8.0
[ Packaging ]
tighten test-recommendation on Regexp::Pattern::License
[ Other ]
optimixe: compile some internal regexes only once
postpone compiling regexes, to speedup response time for non-scanning
command-line options
v3.2.5 2021-07-22
[ Bug Fixes ]
fix shebang to use /usr/bin/env (don't hardcode /usr/bin/perl)
strip all trailing dash a.k.a. soft-wraps (not only first instance)
[ Packaging ]
tighten test-recommendation on Regexp::Pattern::License
[ Other ]
extend functions clean_cruft() clean_cruft_and_spaces() to strip html
v3.2.4 2021-07-17
[ Test Suite ]
update testsuite to cover Regexp::Pattern::License v3.7.0
[ Other ]
extend function clean_cruft_and_spaces() to strip trailing dash,
assuming it is soft-wrap
refine resolving of license names to cover more variants
v3.2.3 2021-07-07
[ Bug Fixes ]
fix option --copyright-delimiter (deb-machine output broken since
[ Test Suite ]
rewrite encoding tests
[ Other ]
stop use strictures (not sure why, but CPANTESTERS choke on it)
v3.2.2 2021-07-04
[ Bug Fixes ]
fix ignore atomic discoveries in areas already detected stepwise as a
license, grant, or exception
fix include leading licensed_under when tracking detected positions
fix resolve shortname not reusable in grant (e.g. SPDX using unversioned
SISSL for SISSL-1.1)
[ Documentation ]
fix describe option --shortname-scheme (not bogus option
-shortname-schemes) in changelog entry for release v3.2
fix trace output to include string for stepwise or_later grant trait
mention in POD when each option was introduced
[ Test Suite ]
add README to source, documenting origin of Fedora tests
add test for not yet recognized PS-or-PDF-font exception
tighten test requirement on Regexp::Pattern::License
update tests to cover Regexp::Pattern::License v3.6.0
[ Packaging ]
relax runtime requirement on Regexp::Pattern::License
tighten .gitignore file
[ Other ]
tighten internal trait objects to require file attribute
v3.2.1 2021-06-29
[ Bug Fixes ]
fix option --deb-machine (broken since v3.2.0)
[ Test Suite ]
fix include missing test files
stop use strictures in tests (unneeded with Tests2::V0)
v3.2.0 2021-06-22
[ Bug Fixes ]
stepwise: fix omit version for singleversion objects
Sandro Mani++
tighten custom BSD detection to avoid SSLeay false positive
use Getopt::Long and Pod::Usage (not Getopt::Long::Descriptive)
David Bremner++
[ Documentation ]
add pod section ENVIRONMENT (replacing and expanding section DEBUGGING)
colorize output of --help option, and auto-enable color more reliably
document that options --check and --ignore apply only when multiple
PATHs are provided
improve markup of pod section OPTIONS
rephrase description for option --skipped
restore POD section OPTIONS (gone since v3.0.2)
split pod section OPTIONS into subsections
stop bogusly annotate v3.1.0 bugfix as security-related
update TODOs
[ Test Suite ]
update author tests
update detection of SISSL since Regexp::Pattern::License v3.5.0
update to match capitalized name of Libtool exception, corrected since
Regexp::Pattern::License v3.5.0
[ Packaging ]
tighten to require more recent Regexp::Pattern::License
[ Other ]
Added: add option --list-licenses
Added: add option --list-naming-schemes
Added: add option --shortname-scheme, replacing option --deb-fmt (kept
for now, documented as deprecated)
logging: fix resolve identifier in trace of exception and flaw detection
resolve license patterns only when used, speeding up --help
use IO::Interactive
v3.1.1 2020-05-21
[ Test Suite ]
drop tricky and superfluous exception test
v3.1.0 2020-05-21
[ Bug Fixes ]
avoid uninitialized value in local Apache-and-BSD pattern
Sandro Mani++
[ Test Suite ]
check detection of generated file
check detection of incorrect FSF postal address
update author tests
update to reflect changed markup of flaws
[ Packaging ]
fix test-require (not only runtime-require) strictures
tighten to require more recent Regexp::Pattern::License
[ Other ]
Added: enclose flaws with square brackets (not parens, now used for
details of some flaws) in legacy output
detect exceptions, tracked as objects
streamline and improve detection of generated file
streamline and improve detection of incorrect FSF postal address
track detected flaws as objects
v3.0.47 2020-05-17
[ Bug Fixes ]
fix resolve SPDX keyword for *_or_later (broken in commit 1bcccbdv3.0.40
released since v3.0.40)
stepwise: fix detect leading version
[ Documentation ]
add some TODOs
[ Test Suite ]
adjust for normalized license names in legacy output
update author tests
update detection of EUPL since Regexp::Pattern::License v3.3.1
update test related to lgpl_* patterns covered since
Regexp::Pattern::License v3.3.2
[ Packaging ]
tighten to require more recent Regexp::Pattern::License
[ Other ]
append extrainfo to final legacy license string (previously appended
each license but only for custom match)
avoid misdetecting license caldera as license-group bsd
avoid misdetecting license python_2 as cnri_python
drop custom GPL fulltext resolving (unused since
Regexp::Pattern::License 3.3.1)
drop obsolete custom patterns
improve log messages
optimize: include left-anchoring when pre-compile clean_comments regexes
quirk: avoid-step-wise for cua_opl_1
revert: avoid detecting grant for license group (broken)
skip custom LGPL grant resolving when (not only GPL-2 but also) LGPL-2
or LGPL-2.1 fulltext detected (needed since Regexp::Pattern::License
stepwise: optimize: match name left-anchored
use usage patterns (i.e. *_only *_or_later)
v3.0.46 2020-03-13
[ Bug Fixes ]
atomic: tighten grant patterns to include licensed_under prefix
[ Documentation ]
relicense project as AGPL-3-or-newer; add Purism SPC as copyright holder
update git repository URL
[ Test Suite ]
mark 3 flawed author tests as such
mark 4 bogusly versioned tests as such
update author test related to gpl_* patterns covered since
Regexp::Pattern::License v3.3.0
update author test related to rare apache_2 pattern covered since
Regexp::Pattern::License v3.3.0
[ Packaging ]
require Regexp::Pattern::License 3.3.0
[ Other ]
add FIXME comments where (mostly custom) patterns lack test coverage
atomic: consult coverage from stepwise scan to avoid duplicate match
atomic: explicitly (regardless of list @L_tidy) skip cc-by when
cc_by_sa_3 is detected
avoid finalize in custom scan for GPL fulltext
avoid wildcard in local bsd pattern
detect vague grant for license group
extend clean_comments() to strip escaped newline
improve detection of GNU 'or-newer' usage grant version
improve logging and comments
logging: avoid undefined version for custom agpl grant detection
logging: generally resolve positions
logging: stepwise: log whole version string (not only number)
logging: stepwise: resolve positions
optimize: atomic: skip a few scans if grant already detected
optimize: track incomplete patterns (not subset of complete ones) -
speed boost of %25!
optimize: use optimized regex with /g (apparently supported by
pre-compile left-anchored trait pattern version
scan for GNU 'or-newer' usage version before singleversion grant version
sort or'ed parts of expressions
stepwise: detect 'or-later' usage grant also as versioned grant
stepwise: detect prepended version
stepwise: explicitly (regardless of list @L_tidy) avoid gpl
stepwise: relax to use wider window for license name
stepwise: track start and end position, and a moving current position
(not additional static ones)
stepwise: use named (not numbered) capture for version
track examined files
use both custom and atomic patterns (not only custom) for agpl fsful
fsfullr gpl lgpl
v3.0.45 2020-02-21
[ Bug Fixes ]
fix: try fallback encoding per-file (restore explicit encoding for
subsequent file)
Dominique Dumont++
sort positions numerically (not alphanumerically)
[ Documentation ]
fix print encoding name (not Encode object ref) if encoding fails
use canonical encoding name iso-8859-1 (not latin-1)
[ Test Suite ]
change namespace of local libraries to Test2::Licensecheck
support fixing or skipping with Test2::Licensecheck::ScanCode skipfiles
[ Other ]
streamline detection of bsd licenses
update (improved but still failing) misdetection of SSLeay since
Regexp::Pattern::License v3.2.0
v3.0.44 2020-02-10
[ Test Suite ]
ensure local script is executable
v3.0.43 2020-02-10
now misses trove declarations for AGPL-3+
[ Bug Fixes ]
adjust end position of located license name
resolve license fulltext last, to leave room for shadowing with
or-newer grant
tests: declare "use utf8" and "use feature 'unicode_strings'" in
[ Documentation ]
update TODOs
[ Test Suite ]
drop unused function is_licensed_like_scancode
tighten encode.t (still fails with non-UTF-8 locales)
update author tests related to ZPL since Regexp::Pattern::License
update tests
use List::SomeUtils (not List::MoreUtils)
use Test2::V0
[ Packaging ]
relax to require strictures unversioned
require Encode::Locale Encode
require MooX::Struct
require Regexp::Pattern 0.2.12 and Regexp::Pattern::License 3.1.102
stop test-recommend List::MoreUtils
stop test-require UNIVERSAL::require (unused since v3.0.2)
test-require Test2::V0 (not Test::Builder::Module Test::Requires
[ Other ]
avoid misdetecting CECILL-1.1 as GPL-1+ due to extending trait pattern
licensed_under since Regexp::Pattern::License v3.1.102
consistently use strictures, unversioned
consult coverage of well-formed scan to avoid duplicate matches
improve detection of AGPL licenses
optimize detection of ZPL licenses
simplify avoiding license duplicates in expression by skipping grant of
same id as already found fulltext
simplify flagging step-wise grants
stop resolve regexes licensed_under version_later (unused since v3.0.42)
tighten which regexes to generate
track detected licensing as objects
track step-wise traits as objects
track traits as objects
v3.0.42 2020-02-01
now fails to detect dual-licensing of CC-BY-SA-3.0 or LGPL-2 (test case:
[ Bug Fixes ]
gracefully skip to next file on failure decoding a file (broken since
Dominique Dumont++
[ Test Suite ]
environment variable LICENSECHECK sets path to licensecheck (default:
Gregor Hermann++
simplify tests Software-License.t devscripts.t encoding.t
[ Packaging ]
test-require Test::Command::Simple (not Test::Script)
[ Other ]
drop obsolete custom patterns
optimization: drop custom CC patterns
optimization: stop skip detection of GPL/LGPL fulltext
v3.0.41 2020-01-30
[ Documentation ]
clarify comment about identifiers being DEP-5 or SPDX (not only SPDX)
[ Test Suite ]
testsuite: update tests for Regexp::Pattern::License v3.1.101 (many
improvements, few "regressions" especially related to dual-licensing due
to previously accidentally matching by name only)
[ Other ]
merge duplicate detections of same license
optimization: avoid accidentally flagging all objects for rescanning
when checking if rescanning can be skipped :-/
v3.0.40 2020-01-28
[ Bug Fixes ]
drop bogus small optimization.
resolve SPDX keyword for AFPL.
step-wise grant: capture non-versioned grant.
step-wise grant: skip type:group license names.
strip fortran comment also on otherwise empty line.
[ Test Suite ]
update author tests for added Trove captions since
Regexp::Pattern::License v3.1.100.
update author tests for improved trait licensed_under since
Regexp::Pattern::License v3.1.100.
[ Other ]
fix: step-wise grant: capture traits before mangling version.
improve custom-matching versioned apache grants.
improve logging.
optimization: step-wise grant: scan for name only directly after
step-wise grant: detect type:singleversion license names.
step-wise grants: track trait license_label (in addition to
step-wise grants: track trait license_label_trove (in addition to
track_label licensed_under).
streamline detection of well-formed licenses.
tests: update author testsuite.
track identified areas of strings and skip further parsing; require
use nsort_by to sort matches; require List::SomeUtils (not List::Util).
v3.0.39 2020-01-04
Improve detection of CC licenses.
improve logging; stop require MooX::Role::Logger
optimize bsd detection (apparently case-insensitive match in unneeded)
use hash interface of Regexp::Pattern and RE2 regexes; require
re:engine::RE2, and more recent Regexp::Pattern and
v3.0.38 2020-01-03
misdetects some GNU fulltext licenses as also maybe LGPL
[ Bug Fixes ]
Add missing newline when no arguments
fix: detect creative commons dual-version-licensing (not misdetect as
same version twice)
support non-utf8 locale
[ Test Suite ]
Isolate and extend encoding tests.
adapt author testsuite for improved detection (and few minor
regressions) since Regexp::Pattern::License v3.1.95
silence warnings in handling utf8 content
[ Packaging ]
use more recent Regexp::Pattern::License
[ Other ]
Add missing newline when no arguments
Improve detection of AFL licenses.
Improve detection of Boost licenses.
Improve detection of Cecill licenses.
Improve detection of WTFPL and WTFNMFPL licenses.
Move encoding loop from executable to library.
Streamline detection of well-formed grants.
Tighten and improve detection of Artistic licenses.
define local regexes in sub licensepatterns (not sub parse_license)
improve detection of apache licenses
pass file and position to function parse_license
support environment variable DEBUG; require modules Log::Any
Log::Any::Adapter::Screen MooX::Role::Logger
v3.0.37 2019-06-12
[ Documentation ]
Update TODOs.
[ Test Suite ]
Adapt author testsuite for improved detection (and few minor egressions)
since Regexp::Pattern::License v3.1.94.
Adapt testsuite to use recent Software::LicenseUtils (not slightly older
Fix handle missing ScanCode corpus..
Load Test::Builder only once per module..
Update testsuite: OSI license Artistic-1.0 really is Artistic-1.0-Perl.
[ Other ]
Reuse previous name match.
Simplify conditionals: Replace given-when-continue with if.
Skip scan for CC grant unless name already detected.
Use more recent Regexp::Pattern::License.
v3.0.36 2018-04-05
Limit to compile only trait patterns actually used.
Match name alone, before recompiled custom regexes.
Simplify AGPL-related pattern slightly.
Sort license keys once.
Tighten apache pattern slightly.
Tighten gpl pattern.
Track matches in hash (not array).
Use Regexp::Pattern::License trait patterns any_of licensed_under
or_at_option version version_numberstring.
v3.0.35 2018-03-30
[ Bug Fixes ]
Fix tolerate alternative regexp compilers.
[ Test Suite ]
Adapt testsuite for detecting uppercase GPL or LGPL post
Regexp::Pattern::License v3.1.0.
Adapt testsuite for detection of FSFULLR post Regexp::Pattern::License
Adapt testsuite for improved detection since Regexp::Pattern::License
Adapt testsuite for renamed pattern kevlin-henney → Kevlin-Henney post
Regexp::Pattern::License v3.1.0.
Adapt testsuite for renamed pattern khronos → Khronos post
Regexp::Pattern::License v3.1.0.
Testsuite: Improve workarounds for license
Testsuite: Tolerate Aladdin License mis-categorized as unversioned by
SPDX, as reflected post Regexp::Pattern::License v3.1.0.
[ Other ]
Improve license patterns cecill_b cecill_c to detect more forms
(previously misdetected as cecill).
Use Regexp::Pattern::License subject patterns.
v3.0.34 2018-03-29
[ Bug Fixes ]
Fix support uncompiled patterns from Regexp::Pattern::License.
Fix tighten license key loop (skip eventual DefHash attributes).
Fix tighten version matching: Wrap in group when optional.
Fix word-based comment removal.
[ Documentation ]
Extend TODO with more ideas.
[ Test Suite ]
Demote ScanCode tests to maintainer tests.
Fix Software-License test to match license shortnames (not captions
which are not fixed).
Relax devscripts test to match SPDX-style license captions as supported
post Regexp::Patterns::License v3.1.0.
Testsuite speed boost: Parse skipfile once per set, not once per file in
each set.
Testsuite: Add function license_like.
Testsuite: handle alternative name of license bdwgc → MIT~Boehm post
Regexp::Pattern::License v3.1.0.
[ Other ]
Generalize singleversion patterns.
Resolve license patterns as Debian → SPDX → generic (not just Debian →
generic) to support less SPDX-centric names post
Regexp::Pattern::License v3.1.0.
Simplify pattern tag resolving.
Slight speed boost: Use eq (not regexp) for simple comparisons.
Speed boost: Fix load regexp patterns once (not once or twice per file).
Use regexp patterns as-is (avoid recompiling).
v3.0.33 2018-02-15
[ Test Suite ]
Extend testsuite to 2410 succeeding tests and 5313 TODOs (from 227 and 7
TODOs), when ScanCode v2.1.1 test data is available below
$ENV{XDG_DATA_DIRS} + tests/ScanCode/
Rewrite testsuite to use Test::Builder::Module (not Test::Roo).
v3.0.32 2018-02-09
Adapt testsuite to tolerate misdetecting MPL-1.0 as MPL: Regression
caused by more generalized matching.
[ Documentation ]
Add TODO file, with a bunch of ideas.
Improve POD: Add SEE ALSO section to commandline tool.
[ Other ]
Adapt and extend testsuite to cover new license patterns supported by
Regex::Patterns::License 3.1.0: bdwgc bdwgc-matlab gfdl lgpl-bdwgc.
Optimize slightly: Skip embedded or referenced licenses earlier.
Tighten regexes: Generalize and improve matching.
Use Regexp::Pattern.
Use Regexp::Pattern::License 3.1.0 tags.
v3.0.31 2017-08-16
[ Documentation ]
Fix bogusly labelled changelog entry part of release 2.0.30 (didn't fix
bare-named BSD licenses, but instead tightened a bunch of license
[ Packaging ]
Stop ship Regexp::Pattern::License, now an independent distribution.
v3.0.30 2017-07-05
[ Bug Fixes ]
Fix license pattern ms_pl to detect MS Public License (not non-free MS
Permissive License).
Tighten license patterns afl agpl cdl gfdl gfdl_nivgpl lgpl llgpl mpl
ms_pl ms_rl qpl sgi_b wtfpl mit to require descriptive prefix when only
an abbreviation.
Axel Beckert++
[ Test Suite ]
Add OSI test (including only currently succeeding OSI licenses for now).
[ Other ]
Added: Add license pattern artistic_2.
Improve license pattern agpl to skip english (not only french)
Improve license pattern epl to detect some forms of "or newer".
Improve license pattern epl.
clean_comments(): Relax to match varying amount of horizontal whitespace
(not exactly one character) followed by any non-whitespace (not only a
word character).
clean_comments(): Tighten to match and strip only horizontal whitespace
(not newlines).
v3.0.29 2017-01-24
Drop gpl+aladdin combo license: Too exotic.
[ Bug Fixes ]
Fix detect BSD licenses as bare name.
Vasudev Kamath++
Fix don't choke on unspecificed BSD license.
[ Documentation ]
Document Regexp::Pattern::License as a private module.
[ Other ]
Added: Add license patterns ofl aladdin rpsl mit_cmu mit_cmu_warranty.
Improve license patterns ftl mit_feh mit_enna cube eurosym libpng zlib
Sort before enumerating ambiguously related combo licenses.
Streamline license parsing: Process loops of similar patterne.
v3.0.28 2016-11-25
[ Bug Fixes ]
Fix detect dual licensing mit_new mit_old (and speed up partsing while
at it).
Fix tighten detection of ISC license (was misdetecting curl).
Fix tighten detection of mit_new license (was misdetecting other MIT
Fix tighten license pattern curl (was misdetecting other MIT variants).
[ Documentation ]
Extend license pattern dsdp with alternate fedora name PetSC.
Fix typo in changelog.
Tidy changelog: Improve distinction between newly added and
added-to-patternlist entries.
[ Other ]
Add license pattern ISC to Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern.
Added: Add new license pattern icu.
Added: Add new license pattern mit_advertising.
Added: Add new license patterns mit_enna mit_feh.
Drop unused and too broad trait pattern disclaimer.
List license mit_new alternate fedora name Modern Style with sublicense.
Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License: Remove stray bogus regexp.
Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Fix sort pattern list.
Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern
provided_no_warranty → asis_expr_warranty.
Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern
repro_notice_cond_discl → note_repro_notice_cond_discl.
Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern
retain_notice_cond_discl → note_retain_notice_cond_discl.
Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern discl →
Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern discl_disclaim →
Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern discl_provide →
Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern name_no_ad →
Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern promo_no_author →
Tidy Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern retain_notice →
Tighten license pattern bsd-2-clause. Tidy
Regexp::Pattern::License::Pattern: Rename pattern asis_sw_name →
v3.0.27 2016-11-23
Drop too exotic licensing phrase, and corresponding test case.
[ Bug Fixes ]
Fix avoid detection of GPL/LGPL fulltext (rarely if ever used as grant).
Fix detect license FSFULLR (was misdetected as bogus FSFULR).
Fix detect license MPL-2.0 (was misdetected as MPL-2.0 or AGPL).
Fix detect licenses mit_old mit_unspecified (was misdetected as
Fix version identifier to use + only in machine-readable mode.
[ Other ]
Add combo pattern perl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license pattern afl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license pattern agpl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license pattern apache to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license pattern artistic to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license pattern beerware to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license pattern cc_by_sa to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license pattern ftl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license pattern llgpl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license pattern mpl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license pattern ms_pl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license pattern openssl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license pattern public_domain to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license pattern python to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license pattern qpl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license pattern sgi_b to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license pattern wtfpl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license patterns adobe_2006 adobe_glyph apafml to
Add license patterns bsd_2_clause bsd_3_clause bsd_4_clause to
Add license patterns cddl cecill cecill_1 cecill_1_1 cecill_2 cecill_2_1
cecill_b cecill_c epl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license patterns fsfap fsful fsfullr to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license patterns gpl lgpl to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license patterns libpng zlib zlib_acknowledgement to
Add license patterns mit_new mit_new_materials mit_old mit_unspecified
postgresql, and group pattern mit to Regexp::Pattern::License.
Add license patterns unicode_strict unicode_tou to
Added: Add new group pattern bsd.
Added: Add new group pattern gnu.
Added: Add new license pattern ms_rl.
Added: Add new license patterns cc_by cc_by_nc cc_by_nc_nd cc_by_nc_sa
cc_by_nd cc_cc0 cc_sp.
Added: Add new license patterns cube eurosym.
Added: Add new license patterns curl dsdp mit_oldstyle
mit_oldstyle_disclaimer mit_oldstyle_permission ntp ntp_disclaimer.
Added: Add new license patterns gfdl gfdl_niv.
Added: Add new trait pattern clause_advertising_always.
Added: Add new trait pattern license_prefix.
Added: Add new trait pattern license_version.
Added: Add new trait patterns clause_retention clause_reproduction
clause_advertising clause_non_endorsement disclaimer.
Added: Add new trait patterns fsf_unlimited fsf_unlimited_retention.
Added: Add new trait patterns version_later version_later_paragraph
Added: Introduce new modules: Pattern::License Pattern::License::Parts.
Clean m4 dnl comment marker.
Drop no longer used internal license shortname list.
Emulate Regexp::Common -keep syntax to capture version number.
Improve detection of license GPL.
Improve license detections artistic perl.
Relax detection of license GPL.
Relax license pattern cc_by_ca.
Tidy code: Drop noop code.
Tighten regexes: Generalize abbreviated AGPL/LGPL/GPL matching.
Tighten regexes: Generalize and improve LGPL matching.
Use Regexp::Pattern::License for shortname resolving (with internal list
as fallback until phased out).
v3.0.26 2016-09-22
[ Bug Fixes ]
Fix exclude AGPL false positives.
[ Other ]
Use generalized license string composition at more places.
v3.0.25 2016-09-21
[ Bug Fixes ]
Fix avoid non-digit in version of license Artistic.
Fix delimit multiple licenses with "and/or" (not "or") when ambiguous.
Fix parse whole file for test info-at-eof.h (default length only
approximates lines and is too short since String::Copyright 0.003003).
[ Test Suite ]
Fix tighten runtime-requirement on PAth__Tiny for visit().
Slaven Rezić++
Update testsuite to reflect Perl license detection.
[ Other ]
Apply fallback marker "UNKNOWN" after (not during) license detection.
Detect license CC-BY-SA.
Detect licenses APAFML Adobe-Glyph Adobe-2006 Aladdin SIL FSFAP FSFUL
FSFULLR JSON PostgreSQL Unicode-strict Unicode-TOU zlib-acknowledgement.
Enhance detection of Perl license.
Generalize license string composition.
Improve detection of license AGPL.
Improve detection of license Apache.
Improve non-version descriptor matching.
Improve version matching in license detections.
Tighten regexes: Generalize and improve version matching.
Tighten regexes: Simplify space matching (string already normalized).
Tighten regexes: Treat affero as alternative (not prefix) to GPL
prefixes lesser and library.
v3.0.24 2016-09-03
[ Bug Fixes ]
Fix apply options --check --ignore to full path (not basename).
v3.0.23 2016-09-01
[ Bug Fixes ]
Fix skip parsing non-files (regression since v3.0.5).
Fix stop ignore options --check --ignore (regression since v3.0.5).
[ Other ]
Use Path::Iterator::Rule.
v3.0.22 2016-08-21
[ Bug Fixes ]
Fix have option --deb-machine imply option --deb-fmt.
[ Other ]
Adjust SPDX-like shortnames to match Debian format.
Improve detection of GPL/LGPL/AGPL versions.
Stop merge differently cased owners.
Use List::Util and Sort::Key::Multi.
Use https protocol in deb-machine header.
v3.0.21 2016-08-20
[ Bug Fixes ]
Really fix strip copyright sign unconditionally.
v3.0.20 2016-08-20
[ Bug Fixes ]
Fix strip copyright sign unconditionally.
Fix strip trailing newline from copyrights.
v3.0.19 2016-08-19
[ Bug Fixes ]
Fix strip copyright sign with option --deb-machine.
[ Documentation ]
Mention in description of --deb-machine option that it implies
[ Other ]
Add option --copyright-delimiter, including comma by default.
Handle missing year or owner with option --deb-machine.
Require well-formed years when splitting ownerlines with option
v3.0.18 2016-08-13
[ Bug Fixes ]
Fix defaults for options --list-delimiter and --rfc822-delimiter (was
one space too many).
Fix stop use obsolete undocumented String::Copyright blocks method.
Fix use NONE for no authors with option --deb-machine.
[ Packaging ]
Tighten dependency on String::Copyright.
v3.0.17 2016-08-12
Fix avoid bogus "generated-file" as SPDX license.
Have option --deb-machine imply option --deb-fmt.
v3.0.16 2016-08-11
Add "Auto Generated" to the generated file detection.
Paul Wise++
v3.0.15 2016-08-11
[ Documentation ]
Mention in description of --lines option that it does optimistic search.
[ Packaging ]
Tighten dependency on String::Copyright to versions supporting
configurable threshold.
[ Other ]
Do full search when parsing whole file.
v3.0.14 2016-08-01
[ Test Suite ]
Flag test involving multi-line multi-statements as TODO (regression
since moving to String::Copyright).
v3.0.13 2016-07-25
[ Packaging ]
Fix tighten runtime-requirement on PAth__Tiny for visit().
Stuart Prescott++
v3.0.12 2016-07-24
[ Test Suite ]
Fix devscripts test to use curly quotes as metacharacters (not
Paranthesis also used within, triggering warnings on some versiones of
v3.0.11 2016-07-24
[ Packaging ]
Fix declare runtime-requirement on String::Copyright.
v3.0.10 2016-07-24
No longer detect multi-line multi-statement copyright strings (not yet
suppported by String::Copyright).
Now misdetects some chatter as copyright statements (not yet suppported
by String::Copyright).
[ Test Suite ]
Relax devscripts test: Ignore trailing dot and "All rights reserved"
[ Other ]
Use String::Copyright.
v3.0.9 2016-07-24
[ Documentation ]
Drop old licensing header from devscripts test: Fully rewritten by now.
Fix decode "©" in --version option output (workaround for Pod::Constants
not supporting UTF-8).
Fix some categorizations of old changelog entries.
[ Test Suite ]
Rewrite devscripts test to match patterns (not exact strings), and
handle varying output on encoding failure.
[ Packaging ]
Drop superfluous test-requirement on strictures: Already declared as
Fix declare test-recommendation on Software::License (not too vague
[ Other ]
Stop use Unicode features: We don't really do any complex Unicode, so
let's try target older perl.
Update headers of module and tests: Strip hashbang; consistently use
v3.0.8 2016-07-24
[ Bug Fixes ]
Avoid superfluous regex modifier /l.
[ Packaging ]
Fix tighten test requirement for Test::Script to versions checking for
[ Other ]
Add "Generated with" to the generated file detection.
Paul Wise++
Pseudo-decode alternative representations for copyright sign and
v3.0.7 2016-07-20
[ Test Suite ]
Bail out gracefully if Software::License fails to create some licenses.
[ Packaging ]
Make Software::License test optional.
v3.0.6 2016-07-20
[ Packaging ]
Fix require experimental (for switch feature).
[ Other ]
Improve separation of copyright parsing from comment stripping and
copyright serializing
v3.0.5 2016-07-19
Fix: Stop dereference symbolic links: non-intuitive and potentially
dangerous (possibly introduced in error intended to enable recursion).
Sandro Mani++
[ Test Suite ]
Fix tighten rest-requirement on Software::License to versions supporting
[ Other ]
Avoid type constraints and all but one coercion, for a 30% speedup in
script initialization.
Move find routine to library.
Stop call system command find in script (uses Path::Tiny::visit
Tidy script to rename $file → $path and $files_count → $paths_count
where not yet resolved as file.
v3.0.4 2016-07-18
[ Test Suite ]
Drop non-working option "--installed" from script tests (leftover from
Debian autopkgtest support).
Stop use Path::Tiny in test where unneeded.
Use Test::Script to ensure correct perl invokes script in tests.
Slaven Rezić++
v3.0.3 2016-07-18
[ Test Suite ]
Use Test::Roo and library calls (not script) for devscripts corpus
license coverage tests.
[ Packaging ]
Fix require strictures for tests.
v3.0.2 2016-07-16
[ Test Suite ]
Add devscripts test tied to devscripts corpus, converted from earlier
shunit2 script.
Rewrite Software-License test to stop rely on Debian fork of
Software::License (see bug#828218).
Rewrite Software-License test to use Test::Command.
[ Packaging ]
Run perlcritic with tidyall, and move tidyall test to xt dir.
[ Other ]
Bump license to GPL-3+.
Resolve only regexes actually used.
Use Getopt::Long::Descriptive.
Use experimental given/when switch.
v3.0.1 2016-06-29
[ Documentation ]
Add CPAN Request Tracker as alternative bug-database.
Add myself as current author, and claim copyright for recent changes.
Add pre-CPAN changelog entries.
Adjust copyright notice to mention initial committer (not later
Link to script from POD DESCRIPTION of library.
[ Packaging ]
Tighten tidyall config to avoid cruft in bin dir.
v3.0.0 2016-06-27
[ Bug Fixes ]
Fix tighten to use Getopt::Long 2.24: Needed for :config option.
[ Documentation ]
Rewrite documentation of options, and --help putput.
[ Packaging ]
Initial CPAN release (after being in Debian since 2007, and before that
in KDE SDK since 2000).
[ Other ]
Added: Add --deb-machine option for Debian "deb5" copyright file format.
Refactor codebase, with up to 400% speedup and reusable parts in a Moo
Removed: Drop support for reading configuration from files: Limited use,
legacy filenames, and odd parsing by use of risky shell call.