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use strict;
use Scalar::Util ('blessed');
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $desc = shift;
my $this =
'DESCRIPTION' => $desc,
bless $this, $class;
return $this;
sub new_from_scalar
my $class = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $this = $class->new("scalar($value)");
$this->add_possibility('SCALAR', $value);
return $this;
sub add_possibility
my $this = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $value = shift;
if($type eq 'SCALAR')
if(blessed($value) && $value->isa('App::RecordStream::DomainLanguage::Snippet'))
return $this->add_possibility('SNIPPET', $value);
push @{$this->{'POSSIBILITIES'}->{$type} ||= []}, $value;
# sketchy upgrade...
if($type eq "SCALAR")
$this->add_possibility('VALUATION', App::RecordStream::DomainLanguage::Valuation::KeySpec->new($value));
$this->add_possibility('SNIPPET', App::RecordStream::DomainLanguage::Snippet->new($value));
sub get_possibilities
my $this = shift;
my $type = shift;
return @{$this->{'POSSIBILITIES'}->{$type} || []};
sub get_possible_pairs
my $this = shift;
my @ret;
for my $type (keys(%{$this->{'POSSIBILITIES'}}))
for my $value (@{$this->{'POSSIBILITIES'}->{$type}})
push @ret, [$type, $value];
return @ret;
sub get_description
my $this = shift;
return $this->{'DESCRIPTION'};
sub _force
my $this = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $ar = $this->{'POSSIBILITIES'}->{$type} || [];
my $ct = @$ar;
if($ct != 1)
die "Cannot use '" . $this->{'DESCRIPTION'} . "' as $type, $ct possibilities";
return $ar->[0];
# TODO: amling, fake isa?
# We can pretend to be an aggregator in a pinch
sub initial
return shift->_force('AGGREGATOR')->initial(@_);
sub combine
return shift->_force('AGGREGATOR')->combine(@_);
sub squish
return shift->_force('AGGREGATOR')->squish(@_);
# We can pretend to be a deaggregator in a pinch
sub deaggregate
return shift->_force('DEAGGREGATOR')->deaggregate(@_);
# We can pretend to be a clumper in a pinch
sub clumper_begin
return shift->_force('CLUMPER')->clumper_begin(@_);
sub clumper_push_record
return shift->_force('CLUMPER')->clumper_push_record(@_);
sub clumper_end
return shift->_force('CLUMPER')->clumper_end(@_);
# We can pretend to be a valuation in a pinch
sub evaluate_record
return shift->_force('VALUATION')->evaluate_record(@_);
sub cast_or_die
my $type = shift;
my $obj = shift;
if($type eq 'AGGREGATOR')
return cast_agg_or_die($obj);
elsif($type eq 'DEAGGREGATOR')
return cast_deagg_or_die($obj);
elsif($type eq 'CLUMPER')
return cast_clumper_or_die($obj);
elsif($type eq 'VALUATION')
return cast_valuation_or_die($obj);
elsif($type eq 'SCALAR')
return cast_scalar_or_die($obj);
die "Bad type $type?";
sub cast_valuation_or_die
my $obj = shift;
if(ref($obj) && ref($obj) eq "CODE")
return App::RecordStream::DomainLanguage::Valuation::Sub->new($obj);
if(blessed($obj) && $obj->isa('App::RecordStream::DomainLanguage::Value'))
my @val = $obj->get_possibilities('VALUATION');
if(@val > 1)
die "Multiple valuations for " . $obj->get_description();
if(@val == 1)
return $val[0];
if(blessed($obj) && $obj->isa('App::RecordStream::Aggregator::Aggregation'))
die "Aggregation found where valuation expected";
if(blessed($obj) && $obj->isa('App::RecordStream::DomainLanguage::Valuation'))
return $obj;
die "Unknown found where valuation expected";
sub cast_agg_or_die
my $obj = shift;
if(blessed($obj) && $obj->isa('App::RecordStream::DomainLanguage::Value'))
my @agg = $obj->get_possibilities('AGGREGATOR');
if(@agg > 1)
die "Multiple aggregators for " . $obj->get_description();
if(@agg == 1)
return $agg[0];
my @scalar = $obj->get_possibilities('SCALAR');
if(@scalar > 1)
die "No aggregators and multiple scalars for " . $obj->get_description();
if(@scalar == 1)
$obj = $scalar[0];
die "No usable possibilities for " . $obj->get_description();
if(blessed($obj) && $obj->isa('App::RecordStream::Aggregator::Aggregation'))
return $obj;
if(blessed($obj) && $obj->isa('App::RecordStream::DomainLanguage::Valuation'))
die "Valuation found where aggregator expected";
# running out of ideas here
return App::RecordStream::Aggregator::Internal::Constant->new($obj);
sub cast_deagg_or_die
my $obj = shift;
if(blessed($obj) && $obj->isa('App::RecordStream::DomainLanguage::Value'))
my @deagg = $obj->get_possibilities('DEAGGREGATOR');
if(@deagg > 1)
die "Multiple deaggregators for " . $obj->get_description();
if(@deagg == 1)
return $deagg[0];
die "No usable possibilities for " . $obj->get_description();
if(blessed($obj) && $obj->isa('App::RecordStream::Deaggregator::Base'))
return $obj;
my $s = "unknown";
$s = ref($obj);
die "Could not turn $s into a deaggregator";
sub cast_clumper_or_die
my $obj = shift;
if(blessed($obj) && $obj->isa('App::RecordStream::DomainLanguage::Value'))
my @clumper = $obj->get_possibilities('CLUMPER');
if(@clumper > 1)
die "Multiple clumpers for " . $obj->get_description();
if(@clumper == 1)
return $clumper[0];
die "No usable possibilities for " . $obj->get_description();
if(blessed($obj) && $obj->isa('App::RecordStream::Clumper::Base'))
return $obj;
my $s = "unknown";
$s = ref($obj);
die "Could not turn $s into a clumper";
sub cast_scalar_or_die
my $obj = shift;
if(blessed($obj) && $obj->isa('App::RecordStream::DomainLanguage::Value'))
my @scalar = $obj->get_possibilities('SCALAR');
if(@scalar > 1)
die "Multiple scalar values for " . $obj->get_description();
if(@scalar == 1)
return $scalar[0];
die "No scalar possibilities for " . $obj->get_description();
if(blessed($obj) && $obj->isa('App::RecordStream::Aggregator::Aggregation'))
die "Aggregator found where scalar expected";
if(blessed($obj) && $obj->isa('App::RecordStream::DomainLanguage::Valuation'))
die "Valuation found where scalar expected";
return $obj;