CREATE TABLE releases ( version FLOAT PRIMARY KEY COMMENT 'Version of the Sqitch registry.', installed_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL COMMENT 'Date the registry release was installed.', installer_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Name of the user who installed the registry release.', installer_email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Email address of the user who installed the registry release.' ) ENGINE InnoDB, CHARACTER SET 'utf8', COMMENT 'Sqitch registry releases.' ; -- Add the script_hash column to the changes table. Copy change_id for now. ALTER TABLE changes ADD COLUMN script_hash VARCHAR(40) NULL UNIQUE AFTER change_id; UPDATE changes SET script_hash = change_id; -- Allow "merge" events. ALTER TABLE events CHANGE event event ENUM ('deploy', 'fail', 'merge', 'revert') NOT NULL;