package App::Pimpd::Shell; use strict; BEGIN { use Exporter; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( spawn_shell ); } use App::Pimpd; use App::Pimpd::Doc; use App::Pimpd::Info; use App::Pimpd::Player; use App::Pimpd::Commands; use App::Pimpd::Transfer; use App::Pimpd::Collection::Album; use App::Pimpd::Collection::Search; use App::Pimpd::Playlist; use App::Pimpd::Playlist::Favorite; use App::Pimpd::Playlist::Randomize; use App::Pimpd::Playlist::Search; use App::Pimpd::Validate; use Term::ExtendedColor qw(fg); use Term::ReadLine; # Term::ReadLine::Gnu prefered use File::LsColor qw(ls_color); my $opts; sub spawn_shell { my $option = shift; my($cmd, $arg, @cmd_args); # for later use #print help('shell'); $opts = { 'randomize' => sub { if(!defined($_[0])) { $_[0] = 100; } elsif(defined($_[0]) and $_[0] !~ /^\d+$/m) { print STDERR "Need a valid integer\n"; $_[0] = 100; } print 'Adding ' . fg('bold', @_) . " random tracks...\n"; my @random = randomize(@_); # print $_->artist for @random; # print "$_\n" for @random; clear_playlist(); add_to_playlist(@random); print "$_\n" for map { ls_color($_) } @random; }, 'randomalbum' => sub { $_[0] = 10 if(!$_[0]); print 'Adding ' . fg('bold', $_[0]) . " random albums...\n\n"; my @albums = randomize_albums($_[0]); my $old = undef; for(@albums) { my($album_dir) = $_ =~ m|(.+)/.+|m; if($old ne $album_dir) { print "> $album_dir\n"; $old = $album_dir; } } print "\n"; clear_playlist(); add_to_playlist(@albums); }, 'playlist' => sub { if(empty_playlist()) { print STDERR "Playlist is empty\n"; return 1; } show_playlist(); print fg('bold', ' >'), '> ', current(), "\n"; }, 'love' => sub { if(empty_playlist()) { print STDERR "Nothing is playing - playlist is empty\n"; return 1; } add_to_favlist(@_); }, 'loved?' => sub { if(already_loved($mpd->current->file)) { printf("%s, %s by %s is loved.\n", fg('bold', 'Yes'), fg($c[10], $mpd->current->title), fg($c[2], fg('bold', $mpd->current->artist)), ); } else { printf("%s, %s by %s is not loved yet.\n", fg('bold', 'No'), fg($c[10], $mpd->current->title), fg($c[2], fg('bold', $mpd->current->artist)), ); } }, 'unlove' => sub { if(!@_) { print help('unlove'); return; } remove_favorite(@_); }, 'track' => sub { $_[0] = 1 if $_[0] !~ /^\d+$/m; play_pos_from_playlist(@_); }, 'copy' => sub { if(empty_playlist()) { print STDERR "Nothing is playing - playlist is empty\n"; return 1; } cp($config{target_directory}); }, 'copya' => sub { if(empty_playlist()) { print STDERR "Nothing is playing - playlist is empty\n"; return 1; } cp_album($config{target_directory}); }, # FIXME 'copy-list' => sub { cp_list(@_); }, 'info' => sub { if(empty_playlist()) { print STDERR "Nothing is playing - playlist is empty\n"; return 1; } info(); }, 'monitor' => sub { if(empty_playlist()) { print STDERR "Playlist is empty - there's nothing to monitor\n"; return 1; } #monitor(); #FIXME }, 'sartist' => sub { my $artist = join(' ', @_); if(!$artist) { print help('sartist'); return; } add_to_playlist(search_db_artist($artist)); }, 'salbum' => sub { my $album = join(' ', @_); if(!$album) { print help('salbum'); return; } add_to_playlist(search_db_album($album)); }, 'stitle' => sub { my $title = join(' ', @_); if(!$title) { print help('stitle'); return; } my @result = search_db_title($title); if(@result) { print "$_\n" for @result; add_to_playlist(@result); } else { printf("No titles matching '%s'\n", fg($c[5], $title), ); } }, 'sany' => sub { my $search = join(' ', @_); if(!$search) { print help('sany'); return; } add_to_playlist(search_db_quick($search)); }, 'splaylist' => sub { my $search = join(' ', @_); if(!$search) { print help('splaylist'); return; } print "$_\n" for values %{ search_playlist($search) }; my $result = search_playlist($search); if(scalar(keys(%{ $result })) > 0) { print "$_\n" for values %{ $result }; queue( keys % { search_playlist($search) } ); } else { print "No match\n"; } }, 'slove' => sub { my $search = join(' ', @_); my @files = search_favlist($search); print "$_\n" for @files; add_to_playlist(@files); }, 'sap' => sub { my $search = join(' ', @_); if(!$search) { print help('slove'); return; } my @result = search_all_playlists($search); print "$_\n" for @result; add_to_playlist(@result); }, 'albums' => sub { if(empty_playlist() and !@_) { print STDERR "Nothing is playing, and no argument supplied\n"; return 1; } my $artist = join(' ', @_); print "$_\n" for albums_by_artist($artist); }, 'songs' => sub { printf "%s\n", ls_color($_->file) for songs_on_album(@_); # printf "%s\n", $_->title for songs_on_album(@_); }, 'add-album' => sub { add_to_playlist( map{ $_->file } get_album_songs(@_)); }, 'lsplaylists' => sub { print "$_\n" for list_all_playlists(); }, 'add' => sub { if($_[0] eq 'songs') { local $\ = "\n"; my @songs = map { $_->file } songs_on_album(); printf("Adding %d songs from %s\n", scalar(@songs), fg('bold', $mpd->current->album), ); add_to_playlist(@songs); } elsif($_[0] eq 'slove') { shift @_; # so we can grab the PATTERN my @result = search_favlist(@_); if(scalar(@result) > 0) { print "$_\n" for @result; add_to_playlist(@result); printf("\nAdded %s loved %s matching '%s'\n", fg('bold', scalar(@result)), (scalar(@result) > 1) ? 'songs' : 'song', fg($c[4], fg('bold', $_[0])), ); } else { printf("No songs matching '%s' were found\n", fg($c[4], fg('bold', $_[0])), ); } } else { add_playlist(@_); } }, 'next' => sub { if(empty_playlist()) { print STDERR "Playlist is empty!\n"; return 1; } next_track(); print current() . "\n"; }, 'previous' => sub { if(empty_playlist()) { print STDERR "Playlist is empty!\n"; return 1; } previous_track(); print current() . "\n"; }, 'pause' => sub { toggle_pause(); print $mpd->status->state . "\n"; }, 'shuffle' => sub { $mpd->playlist->shuffle; print "New playlist version is " .$mpd->status->playlist . "\n" }, 'np' => sub { if(empty_playlist()) { print STDERR "Nothing is playing - playlist is empty\n"; return 1; } print current() . "\n"; }, 'nprt' => sub { if(empty_playlist()) { print STDERR "Nothing is playing - playlist is empty\n"; return 1; } np_realtime(); }, 'queue' => sub { if(invalid_playlist_pos(@_)) { printf("No such song%s\n", (@_ < 1) ? 's' : ''); return 1; } queue(@_); }, 'random' => sub { $mpd->random; my $status = ($mpd->status->random) ? "Random: " . fg('bold', 'On') : "Random: " . fg('bold', 'Off'); print "$status\n"; }, 'repeat' => sub { $mpd->repeat; my $status = ($mpd->status->repeat) ? "Repeat: " . fg('bold', 'On') : "Repeat: " . fg('bold', 'Off'); print "$status\n"; }, 'stats' => sub { stats(); }, 'status' => sub { print status(), "\n"; }, 'randomtrack' => sub { play_pos_from_playlist(random_track_in_playlist()); print current(), "\n"; }, 'external' => sub { songs_in_playlist(@_); }, 'clear' => sub { clear_playlist() }, 'crop' => sub { $mpd->playlist->crop; }, 'stop' => sub { stop(); }, 'kill' => sub { player_destruct(); }, 'play' => sub { if(empty_playlist()) { print STDERR "Nothing is playing - playlist is empty\n"; return 1; } play(); }, 'delete-album' => \&delete_album, 'stats' => sub { App::Pimpd::Info::stats() }, 'rmalbum' => sub { remove_album_from_playlist(@_); }, 'exit' => sub { exit(0); }, ':q' => sub { exit(0); }, 'help' => sub { if( defined($opts->{$_[0]}) ) { print help($_[0]); } else { print help('shell'); } }, }; while(1) { #print fg($c[6], 'pimpd'), fg('bold', '> '); #chomp(my $choice = <STDIN>); my @available_cmd = keys(%{$opts}); push(@available_cmd, 'shell'); my $term = Term::ReadLine->new('pimpd2'); my $attr = $term->Attribs; $attr->{completion_function} = sub { my($text, $line, $start) = @_; return @available_cmd; }; $attr->{autolist} = 0; $attr->{maxcomplete} = 0; # Sane keymap please. $term->set_keymap('vi'); my $choice; while(1) { $choice = $term->readline(fg($c[6], 'pimpd') . fg('bold', '> ')); $term->addhistory($choice) if $choice =~ /\S/m; ($cmd) = $choice =~ m/^(\S+)/m; ($arg) = $choice =~ m/\s+(.+)$/m; @cmd_args = split(/\s+/m, $arg); if(defined($opts->{$cmd})) { $mpd->play; $opts->{$cmd}->(@cmd_args); } else { $opts->{help}->(); print STDERR "No such option '", fg($c[5], $cmd), "'.\n"; } } } exit(0); } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME App::Pimpd::Shell - Pimpd interactive shell =head1 SYNOPSIS use App::Pimpd; use App::Pimpd::Shell; spawn_shell(); =head1 DESCRIPTION App::Pimpd::Shell contains the definitions set up for an interactive shell with tabcompletion support that can handle most of this programs options. =head1 EXPORTS =over =item spawn_shell() Spawn the shell. =back =head1 SEE ALSO App::Pimpd =head1 AUTHOR Magnus Woldrich CPAN ID: WOLDRICH =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Magnus Woldrich. All right reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut