Change log

v1.100  2014-09-22
    -   reason for perl 5.18 message 'Smartmatch is experimental
        at ...' removed.
    -   subfunction singular added to keep single array elements in
        the original order.
    -   version handling improved, version format changed.
        Old three number version change to two numbers.

v1.0.3  2012-09-01
    -   intersection handles multiple equal elements in an array correct now.
        e.g. intersection([1,2,1],[2,1]) -> (1,2)

v1.0.2  2012-08-12
    -   Missing build require module added.

v1.0.1  2012-08-05
    -   Module Test::Differences removed from test scripts to avoid
        breaks on some systems.
    -   Some example files added.
    -   POD test and POD coverage test added.
    -   compareOrder() modified, it's using ~~ smart-match operator.

v1.0.0  2012-07-30
    -   Initial version of Array::CompareAndFilter