Revision history for Automate-Animate

0.01    23-12-2023 22:00
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

0.02    23-12-2023 23:00
        input_patterns() is now accepting regex+modifiers.
        Added clear_input_images().
        Enhanced documentation.

0.03    23-12-2023 23:30
        Duh in packing.

0.04    27-12-2023 20:00
        Enhanced documentation especially regarding installation
        and that ffmpeg is a prerequisite.

0.05    27-12-2023 22:00
        Enhanced documentation for the provided script.
        Added more test logic in t/900-scripts.t
        A first attempt is made to add support for unicode pathnames.

0.06    28-12-2023 13:00
        Enhanced documentation.

0.07    03-01-2023 13:00
        Added omitted Test2::Plugin::UTF8 and Encode as a dependency in Makefile.PL
	Unicode normalisation is now done prior to comparing unicode'd filenames, see e.g. t/100-input-patterns.t

0.08    04-01-2023 02:00
        Fixed a pod error.

0.09    12-03-2024 17:00
        Trying to fix double encoding of unicoded filenames in M$ the attempted fix is at line 286 of lib/Automate/Animate/

0.10    15-03-2024 13:00
        Still trying to fix double encoding of unicoded filenames in M$ the attempted fix is at line 286 of lib/Automate/Animate/

0.11    12-04-2024 13:00
        Still trying to fix double encoding of unicoded filenames in M$ the attempted fix is at line 286 of lib/Automate/Animate/
        Changes in t/100-input-patterns.t to debug this.

0.12    15-10-2024 17:00
        The issue of v0.11 seems to have gone but an eye is kept on it.
        The detection of ffmpeg executable is done in Makefile.PL
        Now make exits(1) if no ffmpeg executable is found.

0.13    05-03-2025 20:00
        Switched to using Test::TempDir::Tiny in test files.
	Fixed urls in Makefile.PL thanks to mohawk2's for spotting it.
	Added to the SEE ALSO section (mohawk2's suggestion).