Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

#! /usr/bin/env perl
# GH #306, destruction of init_av and end_av
use strict;
unshift @INC, 't';
require TestBC;
use Test::More tests => 4;
use Config;
use B::C ();
my $todo = ($B::C::VERSION ge '1.52_12') ? "" : "TODO ";
$todo = "TODO 5.22-thr " if $] > 5.021 and $Config{useithreads};
my $todoc = "";
$todoc = "TODO cperl unopaux" if $Config{usecperl};
my $script = <<'EOF';
INIT { $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die } } print "ok\n";
ctestok(1, 'C', 'ccode306i', $script, $todo.'C init_av warnfree');
ctestok(2, 'C,-O3','ccode306i', $script, $todo.$todoc.'C,-O3 init_av warnfree');
$script =~ s/INIT /END /;
ctestok(3, 'C', 'ccode306i', $script, $todo.'C end_av warnfree');
ctestok(4, 'C,-O3','ccode306i', $script, $todo.'C,-O3 end_av warnfree');