use strict;
use 5.012;
use autodie;
use File::Path qw/make_path/;
use List::Util qw/max/;
# allow arbitrary option names
my $tool_id;
my $dir_out;
my $runtime = 0.5; # in hours
my $verbose = 0;
my %inputs;
my %params;
'tool_id=s' => \$tool_id,
'dir_out=s' => \$dir_out,
'runtime=f' => \$runtime,
'input=s' => \%inputs,
'param=s' => \%params,
'verbose' => \$verbose,
'man' => sub{ pod2usage(-verbose => 2); },
'help' => sub{ pod2usage(-verbose => 2); },
# check for required arguments
die "Must specify tool ID (--tool_id)\n"
if (! defined $tool_id);
die "Must specify output directory (--dir_out)\n"
if (! defined $dir_out);
die "Must specify at least one input file\n"
if (scalar keys %inputs < 1);
my $r = sprintf("${tool_id}_%05d", rand(100000));
# build parameter list to submit to CIPRES
my %job_params = (
'tool' => $tool_id,
'vparam.runtime_' => $runtime,
'metadata.clientJobId' => $r,
'metadata.clientJobName' => "job $r",
'metadata.clientToolName' => "TEST $tool_id",
'metadata.statusEmail' => 'false',
for my $key (keys %inputs) {
my $k = "input.${key}_"; # must have a trailing underscore added
my $v = [$inputs{$key}]; # must be an array reference
$job_params{$k} = $v;
for my $key (keys %params) {
my $k = "vparam.${key}_"; # must have a trailing underscore added
my $v = $params{$key}; # must be a simple scalar
$job_params{$k} = $v;
if ($verbose) {
say "The following parameters will be sent:";
my $width = max map {length $_} keys %job_params;
while (my ($k,$v) = each(%job_params) ) {
$v = $v->[0] if (ref $v); # deference filenames for printing
say sprintf "%${width}s : %s", $k, $v;
my $ua = Bio::CIPRES->new(
conf => "$ENV{HOME}/.cipres",
say "Submitting job...";
my $job = $ua->submit_job(%job_params);
say 'Initial status:', $job->stage;
say 'Waiting for job completion (this may take a while)...';
or die "Timeout waiting for job";
my $exit_code = $job->exit_code;
if (! -e $dir_out) {
make_path( $dir_out );
# success
if (! defined $exit_code || $exit_code == 0) {
say "OUTPUTS:" if ($verbose);
for my $file ( $job->outputs() ) {
my $out = "$dir_out/" . $file->name;
say "\t", $file->name
if ($verbose);
$file->download(out => $out);
print "\n" if ($verbose);
say 'Completed successfully.';
# failure
else {
say "ERROR: returned $exit_code";
print "\n";
say "STDOUT DUMP:\n", $job->stdout;
print "\n";
say "STDERR DUMP:\n", $job->stderr;
=head1 NAME
run_cipres - run a CIPRES tool via the REST API and fetch all outputs
run_cipres --tool_id SOME_TOOL --dir_out /path/to/outputs --input key=file --param key=value [...]
This tool takes a tool ID and set of input files, submits a job to CIPRES, and
fetches the results upon completion. The command line syntax is described
further below.
Requires the following non-core Perl libraries to be installed:
=over 1
=item Bio::CIPRES
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item B<--tool_id> I<string>
(Required) The tool ID as expected by CIPRES (e.g. 'BWA_XSEDE')
=item B<--dir_out> I<path>
(Required) The directory to which output files are written. Will be created if
it doesn't already exist.
=item B<--runtime> I<path>
The time (in hours) requested for the run. Setting this too low will result in
the job timing out before completion. Setting it too high may increase the
time that the job waits in the queue to be run. If in doubt, err on the long
size. Default: 0.5
=item B<--input> I<key=filename>
Specifies an input file to be submitted with the job. The value of this option
is itself a key/value pair separated by a '='. The first part must correspond
exactly to an input ID as expected by CIPRES. To find this you will probably
need to read through the PISE XML file. The second part is the path to the
file on disk. This option may (and often will) be specified multiple times,
but the key must be unique each time or it will be silently overwritten.
=item B<--param> I<key=value>
Specifies an extra parameter to be submitted with the job. The value of this option
is itself a key/value pair separated by a '='. The first part must correspond
exactly to a parameter ID as expected by CIPRES. To find this you will probably
need to read through the PISE XML file. The second part is the value of the
parameter to be sent. This option may (and often will) be specified multiple times,
but the key must be unique each time or it will be silently overwritten.
Please submit bug reports to the issue tracker in the distribution repository.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jeremy Volkening (jdv@base2bio.com)
Copyright 2014-19 Jeremy Volkening
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.