This is the Perl distribution Bio-MUST-Core. Installing Bio-MUST-Core is straightforward. ## Installation with cpanm If you have cpanm, you only need one line: % cpanm Bio::MUST::Core If it does not have permission to install modules to the current perl, cpanm will automatically set up and install to a local::lib in your home directory. See the local::lib documentation ( for details on enabling it in your environment. ## Installing with the CPAN shell Alternatively, if your CPAN shell is set up, you should just be able to do: % cpan Bio::MUST::Core ## Manual installation As a last resort, you can manually install it. If you have not already downloaded the release tarball, you can find the download link on the module's MetaCPAN page: Untar the tarball, install configure prerequisites (see below), then build it: % perl Makefile.PL % make && make test Then install it: % make install On Windows platforms, you should use `dmake` or `nmake`, instead of `make`. If your perl is system-managed, you can create a local::lib in your home directory to install modules to. For details, see the local::lib documentation: The prerequisites of this distribution will also have to be installed manually. The prerequisites are listed in one of the files: `MYMETA.yml` or `MYMETA.json` generated by running the manual build process described above. ## Configure Prerequisites This distribution requires other modules to be installed before this distribution's installer can be run. They can be found under the "configure_requires" key of META.yml or the . ## Other Prerequisites This distribution may require additional modules to be installed after running Makefile.PL. Look for prerequisites in the following phases: * to run make, PHASE = build * to use the module code itself, PHASE = runtime * to run tests, PHASE = test They can all be found in the "PHASE_requires" key of MYMETA.yml or the . ## Documentation Bio-MUST-Core documentation is available as POD. You can run `perldoc` from a shell to read the documentation: % perldoc Bio::MUST::Core For more information on installing Perl modules via CPAN, please see: