Revision history for Business::CPI's driver for PayPal.

0.905 2015-01-24T12:11:32Z
    - Add gateway_transaction_id to query_transactions

0.904 2013-12-05T13:48:54Z
    - Remove receiver_email in favor of receiver_id

0.903 2013-11-28T12:17:05Z
    - Fix incompatibilities with latest version of Business::CPI

0.902 2013-01-30T22:07:35Z
    - Add Changes file

0.901 2013-01-21T23:39:56
    - Change version numbering scheme
    - Require LWP::UserAgent
    - Remove Business::PayPal::IPN dependency

0.10  2013-01-10T19:17:20
    - Implement custom IPN class
    - Add 'refunded' status, and interpret status more reliably
    - Add more logging
    - Return buyer e-mail when parsing transactions
    - Add more tests

0.9   2013-01-08T18:43:40
    - Send and process weight information when shipping and weight are defined

0.8   2013-01-08T18:09:03
    - Use shipping, discount, taxes, and handling features from upstream

0.7   2012-12-21T03:07:44
    - Remove autodie dependency

0.6   2012-12-18T18:14:10
    - Make queries from IPN and NVP use the sandbox attribute (i.e., make the
      attribute actually useful)

0.5   2012-12-16T12:22:56
    - Fix net_amount in the notify method

0.4   2012-12-16T04:14:24
    - Add sandbox attribute
    - Return buyer name in the notify method

0.3   2012-12-15T23:36:27
    - Add the sponsor to the docs
    - Retrieve more information when parsing a transaction

0.2   2012-12-15T21:51:08
    - Add versioning to every class
    - Allow invoice to be not numeric

0.1   2012-11-24T18:38:58Z
    - Initial release