Revision history for Perl extension CGI-Capture

1.15      2022-05-30 21:17:23Z
        - tooling updates
        - fix bad use of %config variable (RT#142935)

1.14      2010-02-06
	- Updating to Module::Install::DSL 0.92
	- Show the details of the errors

1.13      2009-04-22
	- Updating to Module::Install::DSL 0.85
	- Adding missing IO::Scalar dependency
	- Switching to use Params::Util for type checking

1.12      2009-04-21
	- Updating to Module::Install::DSL 0.83
	- Switching to IO::Scalar in the hope it ties properly

1.11      2007-12-06
	- Updating YAML::Tiny to ensure a bug fix is
	  made for TERMCAP strings with unprintable
	  characters in them. This was causing a large
	  percentage of install attempts to spuriously fail.

1.10      2007-10-22
	- No functional changes
	- Upgrading to newer AUTOMATED_TESTING tests

1.09      2007-07-14
	- Now CGI::Capture is even MORE correct! :)
	- Store and check the $INC{} to be absolutely sure
	  that the script is being run in the exact same perl binary.
	- Store and check the same version of CGI::Capture is used
	  for the capture and apply tasks.
        - Reverting to using Storable by default.
        - Skip YAML tests on platforms with a TERMCAP

1.08      2007-06-26
	- Adding the cgicapture program for CGI debugging

1.07      2007-06-26
	- Adding YAML (de)serialization support
	- A few minor updates and cleanups

1.06      2006-05-02
	- No functional changes
	- IO::String is entirely more sane than IO::Scalar
	- Upgraded Module::Install to much saner 0.62 as well

1.05      2005-12-30
	- Moved from CVS to new SVN repository
	- Upgraded Module::Install
	- Moved to production version number.

0.04      2005-02-15
	- Removing braindead Build.PL

0.03      2004-12-12
	- Fixed a documentation bug

0.02      2004-12-10
	- Oops, left the warning in

0.01      2004-12-09
	- Confident the main functionality works

0.00_02   2004-12-09
	- Bug fix

0.00_01   2004-12-08
	- original version