Revision history for Perl extension CGI::Header::PSGI.

0.62001  Jul 31st, 2013

  - Requires CGI::Header 0.62 or higher
  - Does not override #new anymore

0.54001  May 20th, 2013

  - Requires CGI::Header 0.54 or higher
  - Overrides finalize() method of the superclass
  - "0.54001" denotes CGI::Header::PSGI 0.54001 is compatible with
    CGI::Header 0.54

0.14  May 14th, 2013

  - Requires CGI::Header 0.51 or higher
  - CGI::Header::PSGI inherits from CGI::Header::Standalone

0.13  Apr 22nd, 2013

  - Requires CGI::Header 0.49 or higher

0.12  Apr 13th, 2013


    - Rename "cookie" to "cookies" in _as_arrayref()

0.11  Apr 12th, 2013

  - Requires CGI::Header 0.47 or higher

0.10  Apr 11th, 2013

  - Rewrite entirely
  - Requires CGI::Header 0.45 or higher
  - Requires

0.05  Mar 17th, 2013

  - A role CGI::Header::PSGI requires the nph() and server_software() methods
    which are provided by both of and CGI::Simple.
  - Update POD

0.04  Mar 9th, 2013

  - CGI::Header::PSGI requires CGI::Header 0.32 or higher

0.03  Mar 4th, 2013

  - CGI::Header::PSGI requires CGI::Header 0.30 or higher

0.02  Feb 27th, 2013

  - Fix t/11_psgi_redirect.t (thanks to CPAN testers)
  - Tests require CGI-PSGI 0.15
  - CGI::Header::PSGI requires Perl 5.8.9 or higher

0.01  Feb 26th, 2013

  Initial release of CGI-Header-PSGI as a separate distribution.
  The CGI::Header::PSGI module used to be bundled with the
  CGI-Header distribution.


    Requires Role::Tiny. A role CGI::Header::PSGI requires
    the following methods:

      - charset
      - cache
      - no_cache (optional)
      - self_url
      - crlf

    charset(), cache() and self_url() are provided by both of and CGI::Simple. crlf() is provided by CGI::Simple.
    If your query class inherits from, you have to implement
    your crlf() method by yourself.


      use parent 'CGI';
      use Role::Tiny::With;
      with 'CGI::Header::PSGI';

      sub crlf { $CGI::CRLF }

    Using CGI::Simple:

      use parent 'CGI::Simple';
      use Role::Tiny::With;
      with 'CGI::Header::PSGI';