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# Name:
# find.t.
# Author:
# Ron Savage <ron@savage.net.au>
use strict;
if (CGI::Session->can('find') )
plan tests => 7;
# Remove any other test sessions, so sub find is called once,
# which means the test count above is correct, since every extra
# session would mean sub find executed 2 extra tests.
unlink <t/cgisess*>;
$original_purpose = "Create session simply to test deleting it with CGI::Session's sub find()";
plan skip_all => "Requires a version of CGI::Session with method 'find()'";
# Create a block so $s goes out of scope before we try to access the session.
# Without the block we will only see sessions created by previous runs of the program.
my($s) = CGI::Session->new(undef, undef, {Directory => 't'} );
ok($s, 'The test session has been created');
# Set the expiry time so it does not get deleted somehow before we delete it.
ok($s->id, "The test session's id has been set");
$s->param(purpose => $original_purpose);
ok($s->param('purpose'), "The test session's parameter called 'purpose' has been set");
sub callback {
my($session) = @_;
isa_ok($session, 'CGI::Session', 'CGI::Session::find() found a session whose class');
ok($session->param('purpose'), "The found session's param called 'purpose' has a true value");
is($original_purpose, $session->param('purpose'), "The found session's param called 'purpose' has the expected value");
diag 'The found session has been deleted and flushed';
CGI::Session->find(undef, \&callback, {Directory => 't'});
is(CGI::Session->errstr, '', 'find() returned no errors');