# Written by Mark Winder, mark.winder4@btinternet.com
# This package is used for storing scaling information when plotting using GD. It is not used when generating gcode.
# Its simple and fairly versatile, but still results in inverted y axis which are not taken account
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
package Scale;
my $pi=4.0 * atan2(1, 1);
my $debug=0;
my $yinvert=-1; # 1 for not inverted, -1 for inverted to correct way up.
# This is a debug setting, should be at -1, for correct orientation of y axis: +ve is up.
sub new
my $s={};
return bless $s;
sub setorigin
my ($s,$x,$y)=@_;
sub setpixelorigin
my ($s,$x,$y)=@_;
sub setscale
my ($s,$scale,$xsize,$ysize)=@_;
sub scalexy
my $s=shift(@_);
my (@xyus)=@_; # unscaled xy pairs
my @xys; # scaled xy pairs
# print "scalexy b4 is @xyus\n";
while (@xyus)
my $x=$xyus[0];
my $y=$xyus[1];
push(@xys, (int(0.5+($x-$s->{ox})*$s->{s})+$s->{pox}),int(0.5+(($y-$s->{oy})*$s->{s}*$yinvert)+$s->{poy}));
shift(@xyus); shift(@xyus);
# print "scalexy after is @xys\n";
return (@xys);
sub scaled # scale a distance only, no origin offset, use for things like diameters
my $s=shift(@_);
return map { int(0.5+$_*$s->{s}) } @_;
# graphical routine. Has same interface as gcode pretty much.
package Gdcode;
use vars qw(@ISA);
# I define another package Gdcode, this enables you to say new Gcode(...
# instead of new CNC::Cog::Gdcode(...;
use GD;
use vars qw(@ISA);
#@EXPORT=qw( x y z d f r );
my $f="%9f ";
my $ff="%2.1f";
#sub x {'x'}
#sub y {'y'}
#sub z {'z'}
#sub f {'f'}
#sub r {'r'}
#sub d {'d'}
sub new
my ($class,$file,$scale,$xsize,$ysize)=@_;
$class=ref($class) || $class;
my $g={};
my $i = new GD::Image(abs($xsize),abs($ysize));
my $s=new Scale;
# allocate some colors
$g->{col}->{white} = $i->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
$g->{col}->{black} = $i->colorAllocate(0,0,0);
$g->{col}->{blue} = $i->colorAllocate(0,0,255);
$g->{col}->{dred} = $i->colorAllocate(128,0,0);
$g->{col}->{bred} = $i->colorAllocate(255,0,0);
$g->{col}->{green} = $i->colorAllocate(0,255,0);
#$red = $i->colorAllocate(255,0,0);
#$blue = $i->colorAllocate(0,0,255);
$g->{feed}=0; # compatability.
return bless $g,$class;
# internal function. used for all circular arcs, emulates the
# gcode arc command.
sub range
my ($v,$i,$x)=@_;
my ($r)=$x-$i;
while ($v>=$x) { $v-=$r; }
while ($v<$i) { $v+=$r; }
return $v;
sub arcpath
my ($i,$s,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$r,$col)=@_;
# ($yinvert<0) and ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2)=($x2,$y2,$x1,$y1);
my $l=sqrt((($x2-$x1)**2)+(($y2-$y1)**2)); # dist between supplied points
# printf "%f %f\n",$r,$l/2;
my $l2=sqrt(abs($r**2-($l/2)**2)); # dist from center of normal to arc center
my $a=2*atan2($l/2,$l2); # vertex angle
my $ra=0.5*($pi-$a); # radial line line 1/2 angle
my $cata=atan2($y2-$y1,$x2-$x1);
my $a2=-($pi-$cata-$ra);
my ($cx,$cy)=($x1-$r*cos($a2),$y1-$r*sin($a2));
# $i->arc($s->scalexy($cx,$cy),$s->scaled($r*2,$r*2),($a2)*180/$pi+360,($a2+$a)*180/$pi+360,$col);
$a2+=0.003; # rounding error ? Problem in GD.
# if ($a>$a2)
if ($yinvert<0)
sub setcuttersize
my ($g,$s)=@_; # set cutter diameter default to inches.
# can add pt for point, mm for millimetres, cm for centimetres
# can add i for inches (default)
# can add t for thous of an inch
$s=~s/pt// and $s/=72;
$s=~s/mm// and $s/=25.4;
$s=~s/cm// and $s/=2.54;
$s=~s/t// and $s/=1000.0;
$s=~/[a-zA-Z]/ and die "Invalid unit specification $s";
$g->{cuttersize}=$s; # Thickness in inches
$s=1 if ($s<1);
sub getcuttersize
my ($g)=@_;
return $g->{cuttersize};
sub ginit
my ($g)=@_;
sub gcomment
shift if (!ref($_[0]) eq '');
my ($c)=@_;
print "*** $c \n" if ($c);
sub gmove
my ($g)=shift;
my (@xy)=($g->{x},$g->{y});
while (@_)
$g->{$_[0]}=$_[1] if ($_[0] =~/^[xyz]$/i);
shift; shift;
my $col=$g->{z}>=0?$g->{col}->{green}:$g->{col}->{blue};
sub gdebug
# debug only.
sub gline
# used for debug draws a line between 2 points
my ($g)=shift;
return if (!$debug);
my ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2)=@_;
# debug only. draws a cross.
sub gmark
my ($g,$x,$y)=@_;
my $d=0.025;
# return if (!$debug);
sub grapid
my ($g)=shift;
my (@xy)=($g->{x},$g->{y});
my ($z)=$g->{z};
my ($col);
while (@_)
$g->{$_[0]}=$_[1] if ($_[0] =~/^[xyz]$/i);
shift; shift;
$col=$g->{col}->{bred} if ((defined $z and $z<0) or (defined $g->{z} and $g->{z}<0));
if ($g->{cuttersize})
my ($s)=$g->{s}->scaled($g->{cuttersize});
$s=1 if ($s<1);
sub rednext
my ($g)=@_;
print "**** red ****\n";
sub zcol
my ($g)=@_;
my $z=$g->{z};
my $col;
if ($g->{rednext}==1)
$col = $g->{col}->{bred};
return $col;
if ($z>0)
my ($r,$gr,$b);
my $l=127*$z/0.3;
my $ll=127*($z/0.1-0.5);
$r=0 if ($r<0);
$gr=0 if ($gr<0);
$b=0 if ($b<0);
$r=255 if ($r>255);
$gr=255 if ($gr>255);
$b=255 if ($b>255);
$col = $g->{i}->colorAllocate($r,$gr,$b);
return $col;
sub zcol2
my ($g)=@_;
my $z=$g->{z};
my $col;
if ($z>0)
my ($r,$gr,$b);
my $maxz=0.3;
my $lum=$z/$maxz;
my $col=2*3.14159*$z/$maxz;
print "r=$r g=$gr b=$b\n";
$r=0 if ($r<0);
$gr=0 if ($gr<0);
$b=0 if ($b<0);
$r=255 if ($r>255);
$gr=255 if ($gr>255);
$b=255 if ($b>255);
($r,$gr,$b)=map { $_=$_/4 } ($r,$gr,$b);
# print "r=$r g=$gr b=$b\n";
$col = $g->{i}->colorAllocate(int($r),int($gr),int($b));
return $col;
sub garcccw
my ($g)=shift;
my (@xy)=($g->{x},$g->{y});
my ($r);
while (@_)
$g->{$_[0]}=$_[1] if ($_[0] =~/^[xyz]$/i); # i,j not implemented
$r=$_[1] if ($_[0] =~/^[r]$/i);
shift; shift;
my $col;
sub garccw
my ($g)=shift;
my (@xy)=($g->{x},$g->{y});
my ($r);
while (@_)
$g->{$_[0]}=$_[1] if ($_[0] =~/^[xyz]$/i); # i,j not implemented
$r=$_[1] if ($_[0] =~/^[r]$/i);
shift; shift;
my $col;
# although cutter compensation changes the path plotted by, roughly speaking
# the radius of the tool, we dont show this here, all we show
# is the actual path plotted. These functions therefore do nothing
sub gcompr
sub gcompl
sub gcomp0
# generate the output
sub gend
my ($g)=@_;
open(F,">".$g->{file}) or die "Cannot open file ".$g->{file};
binmode F;
print F $g->{i}->png;
close F;
sub gruler
my ($g,$x,$y,$ndiv,$div)=@_;
my $col=$g->{col}->{blue};
my $n=0;
my $ys=0.01;
my $yl=$ys*3;
while ($n++<$ndiv)
my ($dy)=$ys;
$dy=$yl if ($n%10==0);
# dwell, do nothing!
sub gdwell