use strict;
use CORBA::IDL 2.60;
# visitors
my $parser = CORBA::IDL::ParserFactory::create('3.0');
if ($parser->YYData->{opt_v}) {
print "CORBA::C $CORBA::C::VERSION\n";
print "IDL $CORBA::IDL::Parser::IDL_VERSION\n";
print "$0\n";
print "Perl $] on $^O\n";
if ($parser->YYData->{opt_h}) {
pod2usage(-verbose => 1);
my $cflags = '-D__idl2c';
if ($CORBA::IDL::Parser::IDL_VERSION lt '3.0') {
$cflags .= ' -D_PRE_3_0_COMPILER_';
# preprocessor must preserve comments
my $preprocessor;
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
$preprocessor = 'cpp -C ' . $cflags;
# $preprocessor = 'CL /E /C /nologo ' . $cflags; # Microsoft VC
else {
$preprocessor = 'cpp -C ' . $cflags;
'preprocessor' => $preprocessor,
'verbose_error' => 1, # 0, 1
'verbose_warning' => 1, # 0, 1
'verbose_info' => 1, # 0, 1
'verbose_deprecated' => 1, # 0, 1 (concerns only version '2.4' and upper)
# 'collision_allowed' => 1,
my $root = $parser->getRoot();
if (defined $root) {
$root->visit(new CORBA::IDL::RepositoryIdVisitor($parser));
if ($parser->YYData->{opt_x}) {
$root->visit(new CORBA::C::NameVisitor($parser));
$root->visit(new CORBA::C::LiteralVisitor($parser));
$root->visit(new CORBA::C::LengthVisitor($parser));
$root->visit(new CORBA::C::TypeVisitor($parser));
$root->visit(new CORBA::C::IncludeVisitor($parser));
=head1 NAME
idl2c - IDL compiler to language C mapping
idl2c [options] I<spec>.idl
=head1 OPTIONS
All options are forwarded to C preprocessor, except -h -i -v -x.
With the GNU C Compatible Compiler Processor, useful options are :
=over 8
=item B<-D> I<name>
=item B<-D> I<name>=I<definition>
=item B<-I> I<directory>
=item B<-I->
=item B<-nostdinc>
Specific options :
=over 8
=item B<-h>
Display help.
=item B<-i> I<directory>
Specify a path for import (only for IDL version 3.0).
=item B<-v>
Display version.
=item B<-x>
Enable export (only for IDL version 3.0).
B<idl2c> parses the given input file (IDL) and generates
a include file following the language C mapping rules.
B<idl2c> is a Perl OO application what uses the visitor design pattern.
The parser is generated by Parse::Yapp.
B<idl2c> needs a B<cpp> executable.
CORBA Specifications, including IDL (Interface Language Definition) and
C Language Mapping are available on E<lt>http://www.omg.org/E<gt>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
cpp, perl
(c) 2001-2007 Francois PERRAD, France. All rights reserved.
This program and all CORBA::C modules are distributed
under the terms of the Artistic Licence.
=head1 AUTHOR
Francois PERRAD, francois.perrad@gadz.org