Revision history for CPANfile::Parse::PPI

0.06  2022-09-16  09:23:00

  * add support for 'feature' command in cpanfiles (thanks to Steve Rogerson, @yewtc)

0.05  2021-02-08  14:42:00

  * add more unittests for types 'requires' and 'recommends'
  * update tests
  * support more bindings (other than 'requires' and 'recommends'), and support some attributes for the bindings

0.04  2021-01-04  07:09:00

  * Fix list of prereqs (Thanks to CPANtesters)

0.03  2021-01-03  06:20:00

  * Add  a 'strict' mode (see

0.02  2020-12-05  07:15:00

  * removed Data::Printer from test script (thanks to CPANtesters)

0.01  2020-12-04  14:32:00

  * initial release