Revision history for Perl extension Carp::Assert::More.

2.9.0   Wed Mar  5 22:27:28 CST 2025

        assert_arrayref_of() no longer requires the array to have at
        least one element.

        New assert_arrayref_nonempty_of() has the same behavior as
        assert_arrayref_of(), but requires at least one element.

2.8.0   Fri Jan  3 12:03:58 CST 2025
        Added assert_regex().

2.7.0   Wed Dec 25 14:40:15 CST 2024
        Added assert_numeric_between() and assert_integer_between().

2.6.0   Sun Dec 22 23:37:00 CST 2024
        Add assert(), the same as assert() in Carp::Assert, as a

        Add assert_and(), assert_or() and assert_xor() for more helpful

2.5.0   Fri Oct 25 14:46:06 CDT 2024
        Add assert_context_list() function.

        Add assert_context_void() function.

2.4.0   Mon Mar  4 21:54:07 CST 2024
        New function assert_arrayref_all() calls an assertion function for every element in the array.

            my $aref_of_counts = get_counts();
            assert_arrayref_all( $aref, \&assert_positive_integer, 'Counts are positive' );

        assert_context_scalar() now provides a default message of
        "function_name must be called in scalar context".

        assert_context_nonvoid() now provide a default message of
        "function_name must not be called in void context".

2.3.0   Tue May 30 21:52:20 CDT 2023
        Added assert_arrayref_of() to verify that all of the elements
        in an arrayref are of a given type. For example:

            my $users = get_users();
            assert_arrayref_of( $users, 'My::User' );

2.2.0   Sun Jan 29 20:23:59 CST 2023
        Added assert_cmp( $x, $op, $y [, $msg] ), analogous to cmp_ok in Test::More, so you can do
            assert_cmp( $n, '>', 10 );
        which will give better diagnostics than just
            assert( $n > 10 );
        Operators supported are: lt le gt ge == != > >= < <=

        assert_all_keys_in() now lists all key failures in the message, not just the first one.

        assert_keys_are() now lists all key failures in the message, not just the first one.

2.1.0   Mon Aug 15 19:54:27 CDT 2022
        Add diagnostic strings to the failures. For example:

            assert_nonblank( [ 'foo' ], 'This should be nonblank' );

        would fail with:

            Assertion (This should be nonblank) failed!

        but now fails with:

            Assertion (This should be nonblank) failed!
            Value is a reference to ARRAY.

        Similar changes have been made to:
        * assert_all_keys_in
        * assert_keys_are
        * assert_empty
        * assert_nonempty

2.0.1   Fri Aug 13 11:57:15 CDT 2021
        assert_all_keys_in() mistakenly required a non-empty list of
        keys to check.

        Sped up assert_isa_in(), assert_is().

2.0.0   Thu Aug 12 23:00::00 CDT 2021
        Now requires Perl 5.10 or higher.  No longer requires Carp::Assert.

        The numeric functions are more stringent now.  If it expects
        a number, then you need to pass a number.  For example,
        assert_nonnegative($x) would pass if $x was a non-numeric
        string. Now it must be numeric.

        assert_empty() and assert_nonempty() no longer gives a message
        of "Not an array or hash reference".  If you don't pass an array
        or hash reference, the assertion will just fail with the message
        passe3d in.

        assert_aoh() and assert_datetime() no longer provide a default

        assert_in() is more strict. Each element of the target array
        is checked to not be a reference.

        assert_exists() and assert_lacks() are more strict.  The list
        of keys to check cannot be empty.

        Most of the functions are about twice as fast because of reduced
        number of function calls internally.

        Added assert_context_nonvoid() and assert_context_scalar()
        to assert on how the executing function has been called.

        assert_in() now lets you use undef as both the needle and one
        of the values in the haystack.

1.26    Sat Dec 26 00:26:23 CST 2020
        Add assert_arrayref_nonempty().

        Add assert_hashref_nonempty().

1.24    Tue Oct  6 22:37:06 CDT 2020
        The requirement for Perl 5.10 has been reverted to 5.6.1.

1.22    Tue Oct  6 22:03:55 CDT 2020
        Add assert_keys_are() for asserting an exact list of keys.

1.20    Fri Aug  9 10:10:06 CDT 2019
        Add assert_datetime() for asserting DateTime objects.

1.18    Fri Jul 19 17:12:32 CDT 2019
        Added assert_aoh() for asserting an array of hashrefs.

1.16    Fri Aug  4 14:18:51 CDT 2017
        Added the following functions:
        * assert_numeric( $n )
        * assert_all_keys_in( \%hash, \@keylist )
        * assert_empty( [\%hash|\@list] )
        * assert_coderef( $ref )
        * assert_isa_in( $ref, \@class_list )
        Thanks to Eric A. Zarko for some of them.  The rest were migrated
        from a private code project.

        Renamed assert_listref() to assert_arrayref(), but keep
        assert_listref() as backward compatibility.  assert_listref()
        may go away in the future.

        Fixed a goof in the assert_integer() docs.  Thanks, Randy Lauen.

1.14    Wed Oct 31 11:37:04 CDT 2012
        Added assert_undefined() for Ben Hengst.

        Added assert_unlike().

        assert_nonblank() wasn't using the correct message.  Thanks to
        Leland Johnson.

        assert_nonempty() wouldn't work on blessed arrays and refs.
        Now it will.

1.12    Oct 14 2005
        * Added assert_nonnegative() and assert_nonnegative_integer().
        * Added assert_lacks().  Thanks to Bob Diss.

1.10    Wed Feb 16 12:52:16 CST 2005
        * Fixed assert_positive_integer() to not pass "14.".

1.08    Wed Nov 24 11:44:34 CST 2004
        * Added assert_is() and assert_isnt()
        * Organized the functions into logical groupings.

        * Now requires Test::Exception.
        * Added t/pod.t and t/pod-coverage.t

1.06    Sat Oct 30 23:50:45 CDT 2004
        * No functionality changes.  Just added a Copyright notice to
          so we can put it in Debian.

1.04    Mon Oct 18 10:21:37 CDT 2004
        * assert_isa() is now aware of subclasses.

        * $names weren't getting passed to sub-assertions.  Now they are.

        * Documentation fix.

        This is the "all thanks to Allard Hoeve" release.

1.02    Tue Oct  5 17:31:56 CDT 2004
        * Added assert_hashref() and assert_listref().  Thanks to Dan

1.00    Wed Sep 22 10:14:28 CDT 2004
        * First real official version.  I'm not sure what's different
          between this and 0.04.

        * Added a bunch of new assert_* functions.  Thanks David
          Storrs and Pete Krawczyk.

0.04    August 21, 2002
        - Added assert_integer
        - Added assert_nonzero
        - Added assert_nonzero_integer
        - Added assert_exists

0.03    August 15, 2002
        - Added assert_fail

0.02    August 8, 2002
        - Added assert_nonblank and assert_nonref

0.01    August 8, 2002
        - Original version, stolen from Carp::Assert