use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use FindBin;
use lib ( "$FindBin::Bin/../lib", "$FindBin::Bin/../t/lib" );

use Catalyst::Request::REST;
use Catalyst::TraitFor::Request::REST;
use Moose::Meta::Class;
use HTTP::Headers;
use Catalyst::Log;

my $anon_class = Moose::Meta::Class->create_anon_class(
    superclasses => ['Catalyst::Request'],
    roles        => ['Catalyst::TraitFor::Request::REST'],
    cache        => 1,

# We run the tests twice to make sure Catalyst::Request::REST is
# 100% back-compatible.
for my $class ( $anon_class, 'Catalyst::Request::REST' ) {
        my $request = $class->new(
            _log => Catalyst::Log->new
        $request->{_context} = 'MockContext';
        $request->headers( HTTP::Headers->new );
        $request->parameters( {} );

        is_deeply( $request->accepted_content_types, [ 'text/foobar' ],
                   'content-type set in request headers is found' );
        is( $request->preferred_content_type, 'text/foobar',
            'preferred content type is text/foobar' );
        ok( ! $request->accept_only, 'accept_only is false' );
        ok( $request->accepts('text/foobar'), 'accepts text/foobar' );
        ok( ! $request->accepts('text/html'), 'does not accept text/html' );

        my $request = $class->new( _log => Catalyst::Log->new );
        $request->{_context} = 'MockContext';
        $request->headers( HTTP::Headers->new );
        $request->parameters( { 'content-type' => 'text/fudge' } );

        is_deeply( $request->accepted_content_types, [ 'text/foobar', 'text/fudge' ],
                   'content-type set in request headers and type in parameters is found' );
        is( $request->preferred_content_type, 'text/foobar',
            'preferred content type is text/foobar' );
        ok( ! $request->accept_only, 'accept_only is false' );
        ok( $request->accepts('text/foobar'), 'accepts text/foobar' );
        ok( $request->accepts('text/fudge'), 'accepts text/fudge' );
        ok( ! $request->accepts('text/html'), 'does not accept text/html' );

        my $request = $class->new( _log => Catalyst::Log->new );
        $request->{_context} = 'MockContext';
        $request->headers( HTTP::Headers->new );
        $request->parameters( { 'content-type' => 'text/fudge' } );

        ok( ! $request->accepts('text/fudge'), 'content type in parameters is ignored for POST' );

        my $request = $class->new( _log => Catalyst::Log->new );
        $request->{_context} = 'MockContext';
        $request->headers( HTTP::Headers->new );
        $request->parameters( {} );
            'Accept' =>
            # From Firefox 2.0 when it requests an html page

        is_deeply( $request->accepted_content_types,
                   [ qw( text/xml application/xml application/xhtml+xml
                       ) ],
                   'accept header is parsed properly' );
        is( $request->preferred_content_type, 'text/xml',
            'preferred content type is text/xml' );
        ok( $request->accept_only, 'accept_only is true' );
        ok( $request->accepts('text/html'), 'accepts text/html' );
        ok( $request->accepts('image/png'), 'accepts image/png' );
        ok( ! $request->accepts('image/svg'), 'does not accept image/svg' );

        my $request = $class->new( _log => Catalyst::Log->new );
        $request->{_context} = 'MockContext';
        $request->headers( HTTP::Headers->new );
        $request->parameters( {} );
            'Accept' =>
            # From Firefox 2.0 when it requests an html page

        is_deeply( $request->accepted_content_types,
                   [ qw( application/json
                         text/xml application/xml application/xhtml+xml
                       ) ],
                   'accept header is parsed properly, and content-type header has precedence over accept' );
        ok( ! $request->accept_only, 'accept_only is false' );

        my $request = $class->new( _log => Catalyst::Log->new );
        $request->{_context} = 'MockContext';
        $request->headers( HTTP::Headers->new );
        $request->parameters( {} );
            'Accept' =>
            # From Firefox 2.0 when it requests an html page

        is_deeply( $request->accepted_content_types,
                   [ qw( application/json
                         text/xml application/xml application/xhtml+xml
                       ) ],
                   'accept header is parsed properly, and content-type header has precedence over accept' );
        ok( ! $request->accept_only, 'accept_only is false' );

        my $request = $class->new( _log => Catalyst::Log->new );
        $request->{_context} = 'MockContext';
        $request->headers( HTTP::Headers->new );
        $request->parameters( {} );
            'Accept' => 'text/plain,text/x-json',

        is_deeply( $request->accepted_content_types,
                   [ qw( text/x-json
                       ) ],
                   'each type appears only once' );

        my $request = $class->new( _log => Catalyst::Log->new );
        $request->{_context} = 'MockContext';
        $request->headers( HTTP::Headers->new );
        $request->parameters( {} );
            'Accept' => 'text/plain,application/json',

        is_deeply( $request->accepted_content_types,
                   [ qw( application/json
                       ) ],
                   'each type appears only once' );


package MockContext;

sub prepare_body { }