Revision history for CatalystX-Controller-AllowDisable

0.08    2009-09-20T18:01:12+09:00
        - this module is deprecated.

0.07    2009-05-10T18:56
        - added require modules to Makefile.PL

0.06    2009-05-07T13:59
        - added repository URL

0.05    2009-05-07/13:46
        - split tests to xt/

0.04    2009-05-05/17:06
        - fixed #45531: Broken by Catalyst::Runtime 5.80

0.03    2008-04-06/18:20
        - add spelling.t

0.02    2008-04-05/11:43
        - fix type
        - using Module::Install

0.01    2007-11-20/22:44
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.