Changes for Catalyst::Plugin::AccessLog
1.02 2010-04-28
* Updated dist.ini for Dist::Zilla v2
* Require Catalyst 5.80008 and remove the hack to support 5.80003..7
* Repository in META (thanks chorny).
1.01 2009-12-18
* Tidied code.
* Add support for query strings to the formatter.
* Fix Catalyst version dependency; we mistakenly required 5.8004 instead
of the correct 5.80004.
1.00 2009-08-14
* The interaction between the plugin and the formatter has changed,
necessitating a change in the configuration format. Check the docs for
details on formatter config if you were suppling format / time_format /
time_zone options before v1.00.
* A test suite has been added.
0.02 2009-08-06
* Bug fix: literal \v in a regex isn't recognized properly. Change it
to \x0b.
* Use the stats object to get the time at the beginning of the request
instead of the time the log is printed.
* Enable stats for the application all the time, unless the user gives
enable_stats => 0.
0.01 2009-08-05
* Initial release to CPAN.