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name = CatalystX-RequestModel
author = John Napiorkowski <>
license = Perl_5
copyright_holder = John Napiorkowski
copyright_year = 2025
abstract = Map body and data parameters to a model
version = 0.020
repository.type = git
Moose = 2.1403
Catalyst = 5.90121
CatalystX::Errors = 0.001008
Class::Method::Modifiers = 0
Scalar::Util = 1.55
Moo = 2.005004
Module::Pluggable::Object = 0
Module::Runtime = 0
JSON::MaybeXS = 0
String::CamelCase = 0
[Prereqs / TestRequires]
Test::Most = 0.34
Test::Lib = 0.003
Catalyst::Test = 0
HTTP::Request::Common = 0