$Id: CHANGES,v 1.8 2005/04/26 07:27:51 hackworth Exp $
0.30 (April 25, 2005)
- ``Ping'' constraint was introduced. The constraint sends
a single ICMP ping to a given address and is considered
met if an ICMP packet is successfully received. ``Ping''
can be used to ascertain that network connection is
available and functional for tasks that depend on one.
- ``Concurrent'' constraint was introduced. The constraint
keeps a tab on the number of concurrent processes of a
specified application. The constraint is considered met
iff the number of processes running is less than the
concurrency level. [Feature Request #1011911]
- Reintroduced a ``safe_sleep'' time at the end of the
scheduler's while() loop. This stops the scheduler to go
into a tight loop, every time there is a few microseconds
of latency between task_wait and Freq constraint.
0.25 (August 18, 2004)
- emerge-later, an application that adds packages to be
emerged (using Gentoo's package manager - emerge) to
system chrontab as only_once tasks, was added to the
- Syslog support was introduced. When invoked in the
background mode (which is the default), chronicd will log
to Syslog's daemon facility with 'debug' and 'info'
priorities. The logging format was also changed to improve
clarity. [Feature Request #947137]
- SIGHUP handling was augmented to defer signals during task
execution since tasks can't be safely interrupted. HUP is
turned off before execution and replayed once the task is
finished running.
- The scheduling algorithm was modified such that scheduler
sleeps are completely controlled by ``wait'' times
returned by constraints; the scheduler does not sleep for
a ``timestep'' like it used to. The scheduler can also
function when there are no tasks in the chrontab; it will
simply sleep till a task arrives.
0.20 (June 30, 2004)
- SIGHUP handling was introduced in chronicd. On receipt of
a HUP signal, chronicd will drop the existing schedule,
re-read config files and start over again.
- Capability to run certain tasks "only once" was added
to the Scheduler. When ``only_once'' is set to 1 in
the config file, chronicd will run the task once.
chronicd will purge these tasks from the chrontab once
they've been run.
- Notification functionality augmented to inform the user of
failures. If return value of the program is not 0, a
failure is assumed.
0.15 (June 04, 2004)
- Introduced the "InXs" constraint that combines the
Inactivity constraint and the Xscreensaver constraint
using an OR relationship.
- Scheduler wait doesn't exceed 10 minutes. This is because
a machine can hibernate (or chronicd backgrounded) in
middle of a long sleep, causing scheduler_wait to exceed
the intended sleep time. An upper limit ensure that
chronicd will "self-correct" its timers every 10 minutes.
- Added support for email notifications. notify =
email@address as a task field will send notifications to
email@address. Time values in the email notification are
in human readable format. eg. 35 seconds, 4.52 days, etc.
[Feature Request #946816]
- Fixed a bug in chrontab re-writing logic. We were missing
the final ";" which could've caused a corrupted chrontab
in certain cases.
- Added a template constraint module under the docs
directory. The template will act as a starting point for
writing new constraints.
0.10 (May 15, 2004)
- Introduced a Xscreensaver constraint that is met when
Xscreensaver is locked for a specified amount of time.
chronicd manpage updated with Xscreensaver documentation.
[Feature Request #952966]
- Added a basic use test to satisfy CPAN's automated
testing. A more comprehensive test suite will be
provided someday.
0.02 (May 11, 2004)
- First public release.