Class::Core Changelog
0.04 ( 4-23-13 )
- Updated Makefile and dependencies to depend on the latest version of XML::Bare ( 0.48 ), rather than an old version
- Inclusion of hash2xml function into Class::Core temporarily - will likely shift to be in XML::Bare.
- Correct _funcspec to actually refer just to the function specification, not the hash of all function specifications.
- Don't die on callback check failures; just return 0. This may need to be revised at a later point. Point here is that the whole application shouldn't die if one permission check fails.
- Pass raw class specs along, not just the parsed spec, so that additional data can be stored in the specs
- Fix _hasfunc function
- Can now pass a single variable to a class::core function, so that functions with a single parameter do not need to name that parameter ( yet to have a way to set type restrictions on that though ).
- Spec xml file is now fetched from wherever the pm file was loaded, rather than being forced to be an exact path from the current workign directory.
- Able to register a function to be called when a function is done running, not just before it is run ( calldone )
0.03 ( 2-15-13 )
- Remove leftover junk from definitions about XML::Bare from the top of
- Detect and die when functions are called without properly using named parameters
- Add the ability to have a callback for any function call on a class ( docs TODO )
- Add a func _hasfunc to easily determine if a class has a function ( docs TODO )
- Moved function pointers into a _map array to prevent function name collisions
- Added a _duplicate function for objects to create clones of objects ( docs TODO )
- Added some basic functions to provide tie in to App::Core such as getmod ( docs TODO )
- Added the following extra functions to the INNER class: set, getres, getarr ( docs TODO )
- Added a 'create' function to allow Class::Core to be extended to allow for object instances ( docs TODO )
- Specified version # in code now, since there is a dependency from App::Core
- Default now to reading specs from an xml file in same directory as modules ( docs TODO )
- Export 'new' function directly, rather than running through a pointless stub
- Update copyright notice to current year
0.02 ( 2-11-13 )
- Remove unacceptable reference to employer. ( had thought there was need to mention to due some changes being contributed on work time, but have been told it is unacceptable; from here on out project is solely a personal project and core copyright notice is changing )
0.01 ( 11-15-12 )
- First release