Revision history for Class-Plugin-Util
0.009 Mon Oct 2 18:18:18 PM 2007 []
- Forgot to update Makefile.PL with the new dependency (Module::Find).
Now we use Module::Build's create_makefile_pl => 'traditional' instead.
0.008 Mon Oct 1 16:26:06 PM 2007 []
- Added load_plugins and get_plugins functionality. (beta)
See documentation for more infomration.
- Now depends on Module::Find v0.05.
- Now passes the new perlcritic policies.
0.007 Mon Sep 10 12:10:43 AM 2007 []
- Renamed _require_class to require_class (an alias is mantained for
- Now exports require_class.
0.006 Sat Aug 11 08:12:13 PM 2007 []
- Some debugging printing was left in the code. Now removed.
0.005 Sat Aug 11 11:50:00 AM 2007 []
- VERSION BUMP 0.005 Impact: None.
- TESTS: Test::Kwalitee, Test::Pod::Coverage, Test::Pod and
Test::YAML::Meta now changed to author only tests.
added new function instead: _require_class($class),
as this does not add the require function to every single class.
also it has a class name to filename cache, and tests if the
class-name passed as parameter actually is a valid Perl class.
0.004 Thu May 24 17:20:00 PM 2007 []
- VERSION BUMP 0.004 Impact: None.
- BUG Severity: tests broken.
Fixed a bug with testing for Test::Perl::Critic in t/perlcritic.t
Added t/perlcriticrc
Stole _CLASS from Params::Util, as we don't wanna load all of it.
- Fixed up import to only load Carp when necessary.
0.003 Wed May 23 17:06:25 PM 2007
Initial release.
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