Revision history for Crypt-Diceware

0.005     2014-07-15 12:57:24-04:00 America/New_York


    - Custom entropy source may be used


    - Default entropy source is now seeded with Crypt::URandom
      instead of the Data::Entropy default using rand()

0.004     2014-07-14 23:27:43-04:00 America/New_York


    - Custom word files may be used


    - Modernized distribution meta files

0.003     2013-05-16 17:59:58 America/New_York


    - In scalar context, returns words joined by space


    - Removed words with a slash

0.002     2013-01-08 22:54:21 America/New_York


    - Added link to Neil Bower's comparison of CPAN password generators

0.001     2013-01-08 21:43:47 America/New_York

    - First release