The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

#!perl -w
use DBI qw(:preparse_flags);
if ($DBI::PurePerl) {
plan skip_all => 'preparse not supported for DBI::PurePerl';
else {
plan tests => 39;
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ExampleP:", "", "", {
PrintError => 0,
isa_ok( $dbh, 'DBI::db' );
sub pp {
my $dbh = shift;
my $rv = $dbh->preparse(@_);
return $rv;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# DBIpp_cm_cs /* C style */
# DBIpp_cm_hs /* # */
# DBIpp_cm_dd /* -- */
# DBIpp_cm_br /* {} */
# DBIpp_cm_dw /* '-- ' dash dash whitespace */
# DBIpp_cm_XX /* any of the above */
# DBIpp_ph_qm /* ? */
# DBIpp_ph_cn /* :1 */
# DBIpp_ph_cs /* :name */
# DBIpp_ph_sp /* %s (as return only, not accept) */
# DBIpp_ph_XX /* any of the above */
# DBIpp_st_qq /* '' char escape */
# DBIpp_st_bs /* \ char escape */
# DBIpp_st_XX /* any of the above */
# ===================================================================== #
# pp (h input return accept expected) #
# ===================================================================== #
## Comments:
is( pp($dbh, "a#b\nc", DBIpp_cm_cs, DBIpp_cm_hs), "a/*b*/\nc" );
is( pp($dbh, "a#b\nc", DBIpp_cm_dw, DBIpp_cm_hs), "a-- b\nc" );
is( pp($dbh, "a/*b*/c", DBIpp_cm_hs, DBIpp_cm_cs), "a#b\nc" );
is( pp($dbh, "a{b}c", DBIpp_cm_cs, DBIpp_cm_br), "a/*b*/c" );
is( pp($dbh, "a--b\nc", DBIpp_cm_br, DBIpp_cm_dd), "a{b}\nc" );
is( pp($dbh, "a-- b\n/*c*/d", DBIpp_cm_br, DBIpp_cm_cs|DBIpp_cm_dw), "a{ b}\n{c}d" );
is( pp($dbh, "a/*b*/c#d\ne--f\nh-- i\nj{k}", 0, DBIpp_cm_XX), "a c\ne\nh\nj " );
## Placeholders:
is( pp($dbh, "a = :1", DBIpp_ph_qm, DBIpp_ph_cn), "a = ?" );
is( pp($dbh, "a = :1", DBIpp_ph_sp, DBIpp_ph_cn), "a = %s" );
is( pp($dbh, "a = ?" , DBIpp_ph_cn, DBIpp_ph_qm), "a = :p1" );
is( pp($dbh, "a = ?" , DBIpp_ph_sp, DBIpp_ph_qm), "a = %s" );
is( pp($dbh, "a = :name", DBIpp_ph_qm, DBIpp_ph_cs), "a = ?" );
is( pp($dbh, "a = :name", DBIpp_ph_sp, DBIpp_ph_cs), "a = %s" );
is( pp($dbh, "a = ? b = ? c = ?", DBIpp_ph_cn, DBIpp_ph_XX), "a = :p1 b = :p2 c = :p3" );
## Placeholders inside comments (should be ignored where comments style is accepted):
is( pp( $dbh,
"a = ? /*b = :1*/ c = ?",
"a = :p1 -- b = :1\n c = :p2" );
## Placeholders inside single and double quotes (should be ignored):
is( pp( $dbh,
"a = ? 'b = :1' c = ?",
"a = :p1 'b = :1' c = :p2" );
is( pp( $dbh,
'a = ? "b = :1" c = ?',
'a = :p1 "b = :1" c = :p2' );
## Comments inside single and double quotes (should be ignored):
is( pp( $dbh,
"a = ? '{b = :1}' c = ?",
"a = :p1 '{b = :1}' c = :p2" );
is( pp( $dbh,
'a = ? "/*b = :1*/" c = ?',
'a = :p1 "/*b = :1*/" c = :p2' );
## Single and double quoted strings starting inside comments (should be ignored):
is( pp( $dbh,
'a = ? /*"b = :1 */ c = ?',
'a = :p1 {"b = :1 } c = :p2' );
## Check error conditions are trapped:
is( pp($dbh, "a = :value and b = :1", DBIpp_ph_qm, DBIpp_ph_cs|DBIpp_ph_cn), undef );
ok( $DBI::err );
is( $DBI::errstr, "preparse found mixed placeholder styles (:1 / :name)" );
is( pp($dbh, "a = :1 and b = :3", DBIpp_ph_qm, DBIpp_ph_cn), undef );
ok( $DBI::err );
is( $DBI::errstr, "preparse found placeholder :3 out of sequence, expected :2" );
is( pp($dbh, "foo ' comment", 0, 0), "foo ' comment" );
ok( $DBI::err );
is( $DBI::errstr, "preparse found unterminated single-quoted string" );
is( pp($dbh, 'foo " comment', 0, 0), 'foo " comment' );
ok( $DBI::err );
is( $DBI::errstr, "preparse found unterminated double-quoted string" );
is( pp($dbh, 'foo /* comment', DBIpp_cm_XX, DBIpp_cm_XX), 'foo /* comment' );
ok( $DBI::err );
is( $DBI::errstr, "preparse found unterminated bracketed C-style comment" );
is( pp($dbh, 'foo { comment', DBIpp_cm_XX, DBIpp_cm_XX), 'foo { comment' );
ok( $DBI::err );
is( $DBI::errstr, "preparse found unterminated bracketed {...} comment" );
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- #