# principal author list is kinda mandated by spec, luckily is rather static author 'mst: Matt S Trout <mst@shadowcat.co.uk> (project founder - original idea, architecture and implementation)'; author 'castaway: Jess Robinson <castaway@desert-island.me.uk> (lions share of the reference documentation and manuals)'; author 'ribasushi: Peter Rabbitson <ribasushi@leporine.io> (present day maintenance and controlled evolution)'; # pause sanity Meta->{values}{x_authority} = 'cpan:RIBASUSHI'; # !!!experimental!!! # # <ribasushi> am wondering if an x_parallel_test => 1 and x_parallel_depchain_test => 1 would be of use in meta # <ribasushi> to signify "project keeps tabs on itself and depchain to be in good health wrt running tests in parallel" # <ribasushi> and having cpan(m) tack a -j6 automatically for that # <ribasushi> it basically allows you to first consider any "high level intermediate dist" advertising "all my stuff works" so that larger swaths of CPAN get installed first under parallel # <ribasushi> note - this is not "spur of the moment" - I first started testing my depchain in parallel 3 years ago # <ribasushi> and have had it stable ( religiously tested on travis on any commit ) for about 2 years now # Meta->{values}{x_parallel_test_certified} = 1; Meta->{values}{x_dependencies_parallel_test_certified} = 1; # populate x_contributors # a direct dump of the sort is ok - xt/authors.t guarantees source sanity Meta->{values}{x_contributors} = [ do { # according to #p5p this is how one safely reads random unicode # this set of boilerplate is insane... wasn't perl unicode-king...? no warnings 'once'; require Encode; require PerlIO::encoding; local $PerlIO::encoding::fallback = Encode::FB_CROAK(); open (my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', 'AUTHORS') or die "Unable to open AUTHORS - can't happen: $!\n"; map { chomp; ( (! $_ or $_ =~ /^\s*\#/) ? () : $_ ) } <$fh>; }]; # legalese license 'perl'; resources 'license' => 'http://dev.perl.org/licenses/'; # misc resources abstract_from 'lib/DBIx/Class.pm'; resources 'repository' => 'https://github.com/Perl5/DBIx-Class'; resources 'bugtracker' => 'https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=DBIx-Class'; # nothing determined at runtime, except for possibly SQLT dep # (see the check around DBICTEST_SQLT_DEPLOY in Makefile.PL) dynamic_config 0; # Deprecated/internal modules need no exposure when building the meta no_index directory => $_ for (qw| lib/DBIx/Class/Admin lib/DBIx/Class/PK/Auto lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat maint |); no_index package => $_ for (qw/ DBIx::Class::Storage::DBIHacks DBIx::Class::Storage::BlockRunner DBIx::Class::Carp DBIx::Class::_Util /); # keep the Makefile.PL eval happy 1;