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use File::Path();
use File::Glob();
# leftovers in old checkouts
unlink 'lib/DBIx/Class/Optional/Dependencies.pod'
if -f 'lib/DBIx/Class/Optional/Dependencies.pod';
File::Path::rmtree( File::Glob::bsd_glob('.generated_pod'), { verbose => 0 } )
if -d '.generated_pod';
my $pod_dir = 'maint/.Generated_Pod';
my $ver = Meta->version;
# cleanup the generated pod dir (again - kill leftovers from old checkouts)
if (-d $pod_dir) {
File::Path::rmtree( File::Glob::bsd_glob("$pod_dir/*"), { verbose => 0 } );
else {
mkdir $pod_dir or die "Unable to create $pod_dir: $!";
# generate the OptDeps pod both in the clone-dir and during the makefile distdir
print "Regenerating Optional/Dependencies.pod\n";
# this should always succeed - hence no error checking
# if someone breaks OptDeps - travis should catch it
DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->_gen_pod ($ver, "$pod_dir/lib");
postamble <<"EOP";
clonedir_generate_files : dbic_clonedir_gen_optdeps_pod
dbic_clonedir_gen_optdeps_pod :
$mm_proto->oneliner("DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->_gen_pod(q($ver), q($pod_dir/lib))", [qw/-Ilib -MDBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies/])
# generate the script/dbicadmin pod
print "Regenerating script/dbicadmin.pod\n";
# generating it in the root of $pod_dir
# it will *not* be copied over due to not being listed at the top
# of MANIFEST.SKIP - this is a *good* thing
# we only want to ship a script/dbicadmin, with the POD appended
# (see, but still want to spellcheck and
# whatnot the intermediate step
my $pod_fn = "$pod_dir/dbicadmin.pod";
# if the author doesn't have the prereqs, don't fail the initial "perl" step
my $great_success;
local @ARGV = ('--documentation-as-pod', $pod_fn);
local $0 = 'dbicadmin';
local *CORE::GLOBAL::exit = sub { $great_success++; die; };
do 'script/dbicadmin';
if (!$great_success and ($@ || $!) ) {
printf ("FAILED!!! Subsequent `make dist` will fail. %s\n",
? 'Full error: ' . ($@ || $!)
: 'Re-run with $ENV{DBICDIST_DEBUG} set for more info'
postamble <<"EOP";
clonedir_generate_files : dbic_clonedir_gen_dbicadmin_pod
dbic_clonedir_gen_dbicadmin_pod :
\t\$(ABSPERLRUN) -Ilib -- script/dbicadmin --documentation-as-pod @{[ $mm_proto->quote_literal($pod_fn) ]}
# generate the inherit pods only during distbuilding phase
# it is too slow to do at regular Makefile.PL
postamble <<"EOP";
clonedir_generate_files : dbic_clonedir_gen_inherit_pods
dbic_clonedir_gen_inherit_pods :
\t\$(ABSPERLRUN) -Ilib maint/gen_pod_inherit
# generate the DBIx/Class.pod only during distdir
my $dist_pod_fn = File::Spec->catfile($pod_dir, qw(lib DBIx Class.pod));
postamble <<"EOP";
clonedir_generate_files : dbic_distdir_gen_dbic_pod
dbic_distdir_gen_dbic_pod :
\tperldoc -u lib/DBIx/ > $dist_pod_fn
\t@{[ $mm_proto->oneliner(
"s!^.*?this line is replaced with the author list.*! qq{List of the awesome contributors who made DBIC v$ver possible\n\n} . qx(\$^X -Ilib maint/gen_pod_authors)!me",
[qw( -0777 -p -i )]
) ]} $dist_pod_fn
create_distdir : dbic_distdir_defang_authors
# Remove the maintainer-only warning (be nice ;)
dbic_distdir_defang_authors :
\t@{[ $mm_proto->oneliner('s/ ^ \s* \# \s* \*\*\* .+ \n ( ^ \s* \# \s*? \n )? //xmg', [qw( -0777 -p -i )] ) ]} \$(DISTVNAME)/AUTHORS
# on some OSes generated files may have an incorrect \n - fix it
# so that the xt tests pass on a fresh checkout (also shipping a
# dist with CRLFs is beyond obnoxious)
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' or $^O eq 'cygwin') {
local $ENV{PERLIO} = 'unix';
system( $^X, qw( -MExtUtils::Command -e dos2unix -- ), $pod_dir );
postamble <<"EOP";
clonedir_post_generate_files : pod_crlf_fixup
pod_crlf_fixup :
@{[ $crlf_fixup->($pod_dir) ]}
postamble <<"EOP";
clonedir_post_generate_files : dbic_clonedir_copy_generated_pod
dbic_clonedir_copy_generated_pod :
\t\$(RM_F) $pod_dir.packlist
$mm_proto->oneliner("install([ from_to => {q($pod_dir) => File::Spec->curdir(), write => q($pod_dir.packlist)}, verbose => 0, uninstall_shadows => 0, skip => [] ])", ['-MExtUtils::Install'])
# everything that came from $pod_dir, needs to be removed from the workdir
postamble <<"EOP";
clonedir_cleanup_generated_files : dbic_clonedir_cleanup_generated_pod_copies
dbic_clonedir_cleanup_generated_pod_copies :
\t@{[ $mm_proto->oneliner('chomp && unlink || die', ['-n']) ]} $pod_dir.packlist
\t\$(RM_F) $pod_dir.packlist
# keep the Makefile.PL eval happy