require File::Spec; my $test_ddl_fn = File::Spec->catfile(qw( t lib sqlite.sql )); my @test_ddl_cmd = qw( -I lib -I t/lib -- maint/gen_sqlite_schema_files --schema-class DBICTest::Schema ); my $example_ddl_fn = File::Spec->catfile(qw( examples Schema db example.sql )); my $example_db_fn = File::Spec->catfile(qw( examples Schema db example.db )); my @example_ddl_cmd = qw( -I lib -I examples/Schema -- maint/gen_sqlite_schema_files --schema-class MyApp::Schema ); my @example_pop_cmd = qw( -I lib -I examples/Schema -- examples/Schema/ ); # If the author doesn't have the prereqs, still generate a Makefile # The EUMM build-stage generation will run unconditionally and # errors will not be ignored unlike here require DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies; if ( DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for ('deploy') ) { print "Regenerating $test_ddl_fn\n"; system( $^X, @test_ddl_cmd, '--ddl-out' => $test_ddl_fn ); print "Regenerating $example_ddl_fn and $example_db_fn\n"; system( $^X, @example_ddl_cmd, '--ddl-out' => $example_ddl_fn, '--deploy-to' => $example_db_fn ); print "Populating $example_db_fn\n"; system( $^X, @example_pop_cmd ); # if we don't do it some git tools (e.g. gitk) get confused that the # ddl file is modified, when it clearly isn't system('git status --porcelain >' . File::Spec->devnull); } postamble <<"EOP"; clonedir_generate_files : dbic_clonedir_regen_test_ddl dbic_clonedir_regen_test_ddl : \t\$(ABSPERLRUN) @test_ddl_cmd --ddl-out @{[ $mm_proto->quote_literal($test_ddl_fn) ]} \t\$(ABSPERLRUN) @example_ddl_cmd --ddl-out @{[ $mm_proto->quote_literal($example_ddl_fn) ]} --deploy-to @{[ $mm_proto->quote_literal($example_db_fn) ]} \t\$(ABSPERLRUN) @example_pop_cmd EOP # keep the Makefile.PL eval happy 1;