Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
require DBIx::Class;
plan skip_all => 'Test needs ' . DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_missing_for('admin')
unless DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for('admin');
use_ok 'DBIx::Class::Admin';
{ # test data maniplulation functions
# create a DBICTest so we can steal its connect info
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(
sqlite_use_file => 1,
my $admin = DBIx::Class::Admin->new(
schema_class=> "DBICTest::Schema",
connect_info => $schema->storage->connect_info(),
quiet => 1,
isa_ok ($admin, 'DBIx::Class::Admin', 'create the admin object');
$admin->insert('Employee', { name => 'Matt' });
my $employees = $schema->resultset('Employee');
is ($employees->count(), 1, "insert okay" );
my $employee = $employees->find(1);
is($employee->name(), 'Matt', "insert valid" );
$admin->update('Employee', {name => 'Trout'}, {name => 'Matt'});
$employee = $employees->find(1);
is($employee->name(), 'Trout', "update Matt to Trout" );
$admin->insert('Employee', {name =>'Aran'});
my $expected_data = [
[$employee->result_source->columns() ],
my $data;
lives_ok { $data = $admin->select('Employee', undef, { order_by => 'employee_id' })} 'can retrive data from database';
is_deeply($data, $expected_data, 'DB matches whats expected');
$admin->delete('Employee', {name=>'Trout'});
my $del_rs = $employees->search({name => 'Trout'});
is($del_rs->count(), 0, "delete Trout" );
is ($employees->count(), 1, "left Aran" );