use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use lib 't/cdbi/testlib'; use DBIC::Test::SQLite (); # this will issue the necessary SKIPs on missing reqs BEGIN { eval { require Class::DBI::Plugin::DeepAbstractSearch } or plan skip_all => 'Class::DBI::Plugin::DeepAbstractSearch required for this test'; } my $DB = DBICTest->_sqlite_dbname(sqlite_use_file => 1);; # not usre why this test needs an AutoCommit => 0 and a commit further # down - EDONOTCARE $ENV{DBIC_UNSAFE_AUTOCOMMIT_OK} = 1; my @DSN = ("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$DB", '', '', { AutoCommit => 0 }); package Music::DBI; use base qw(DBIx::Class::CDBICompat); use Class::DBI::Plugin::DeepAbstractSearch; __PACKAGE__->connection(@DSN); my $sql = <<'SQL_END'; --------------------------------------- -- Artists --------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE artists ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(32) ); INSERT INTO artists VALUES (1, "Willie Nelson"); INSERT INTO artists VALUES (2, "Patsy Cline"); --------------------------------------- -- Labels --------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE labels ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(32) ); INSERT INTO labels VALUES (1, "Columbia"); INSERT INTO labels VALUES (2, "Sony"); INSERT INTO labels VALUES (3, "Supraphon"); --------------------------------------- -- CDs --------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE cds ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, label INTEGER, artist INTEGER, title VARCHAR(32), year INTEGER ); INSERT INTO cds VALUES (1, 1, 1, "Songs", 2005); INSERT INTO cds VALUES (2, 2, 1, "Read Headed Stanger", 2000); INSERT INTO cds VALUES (3, 1, 1, "Wanted! The Outlaws", 2004); INSERT INTO cds VALUES (4, 2, 1, "The Very Best of Willie Nelson", 1999); INSERT INTO cds VALUES (5, 1, 2, "12 Greates Hits", 1999); INSERT INTO cds VALUES (6, 2, 2, "Sweet Dreams", 1995); INSERT INTO cds VALUES (7, 3, 2, "The Best of Patsy Cline", 1991); --------------------------------------- -- Tracks --------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE tracks ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, cd INTEGER, position INTEGER, title VARCHAR(32) ); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (1, 1, 1, "Songs: Track 1"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (2, 1, 2, "Songs: Track 2"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (3, 1, 3, "Songs: Track 3"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (4, 1, 4, "Songs: Track 4"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (5, 2, 1, "Read Headed Stanger: Track 1"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (6, 2, 2, "Read Headed Stanger: Track 2"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (7, 2, 3, "Read Headed Stanger: Track 3"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (8, 2, 4, "Read Headed Stanger: Track 4"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (9, 3, 1, "Wanted! The Outlaws: Track 1"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (10, 3, 2, "Wanted! The Outlaws: Track 2"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (11, 4, 1, "The Very Best of Willie Nelson: Track 1"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (12, 4, 2, "The Very Best of Willie Nelson: Track 2"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (13, 4, 3, "The Very Best of Willie Nelson: Track 3"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (14, 4, 4, "The Very Best of Willie Nelson: Track 4"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (15, 4, 5, "The Very Best of Willie Nelson: Track 5"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (16, 4, 6, "The Very Best of Willie Nelson: Track 6"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (17, 5, 1, "12 Greates Hits: Track 1"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (18, 5, 2, "12 Greates Hits: Track 2"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (19, 5, 3, "12 Greates Hits: Track 3"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (20, 5, 4, "12 Greates Hits: Track 4"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (21, 6, 1, "Sweet Dreams: Track 1"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (22, 6, 2, "Sweet Dreams: Track 2"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (23, 6, 3, "Sweet Dreams: Track 3"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (24, 6, 4, "Sweet Dreams: Track 4"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (25, 7, 1, "The Best of Patsy Cline: Track 1"); INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (26, 7, 2, "The Best of Patsy Cline: Track 2"); SQL_END foreach my $statement (split /;/, $sql) { $statement =~ s/^\s*//gs; $statement =~ s/\s*$//gs; next unless $statement; Music::DBI->db_Main->do($statement) or die "$@ $!"; } Music::DBI->dbi_commit; package Music::Artist; use base 'Music::DBI'; Music::Artist->table('artists'); Music::Artist->columns(All => qw/id name/); package Music::Label; use base 'Music::DBI'; Music::Label->table('labels'); Music::Label->columns(All => qw/id name/); package Music::CD; use base 'Music::DBI'; Music::CD->table('cds'); Music::CD->columns(All => qw/id label artist title year/); package Music::Track; use base 'Music::DBI'; Music::Track->table('tracks'); Music::Track->columns(All => qw/id cd position title/); Music::Artist->has_many(cds => 'Music::CD'); Music::Label->has_many(cds => 'Music::CD'); Music::CD->has_many(tracks => 'Music::Track'); Music::CD->has_a(artist => 'Music::Artist'); Music::CD->has_a(label => 'Music::Label'); Music::Track->has_a(cd => 'Music::CD'); package main; { my $where = { }; my $attr; my @artists = Music::Artist->deep_search_where($where, $attr); is_deeply [ sort @artists ], [ 1, 2 ], "all without order"; } { my $where = { }; my $attr = { order_by => 'name' }; my @artists = Music::Artist->deep_search_where($where, $attr); is_deeply \@artists, [ 2, 1 ], "all with ORDER BY name"; } { my $where = { }; my $attr = { order_by => 'name DESC' }; my @artists = Music::Artist->deep_search_where($where, $attr); is_deeply \@artists, [ 1, 2 ], "all with ORDER BY name DESC"; } { my $where = { name => { -like => 'Patsy Cline' }, }; my $attr; my @artists = Music::Artist->deep_search_where($where, $attr); is_deeply \@artists, [ 2 ], "simple search"; } { my $where = { '' => 'Patsy Cline' }; my $attr = { } ; my @cds = Music::CD->deep_search_where($where, $attr); is_deeply [ sort @cds ], [ 5, 6, 7 ], "Patsy's CDs"; } { my $where = { '' => 'Patsy Cline' }; my $attr = { order_by => "title" } ; my @cds = Music::CD->deep_search_where($where, $attr); is_deeply [ @cds ], [ 5, 6, 7 ], "Patsy's CDs by title"; my $count = Music::CD->count_deep_search_where($where); is_deeply $count, 3, "count Patsy's CDs by title"; } { my $where = { 'cd.title' => { -like => 'S%' }, }; my $attr = { order_by => "cd.title, title" } ; my @cds = Music::Track->deep_search_where($where, $attr); is_deeply [ @cds ], [1, 2, 3, 4, 21, 22, 23, 24 ], "Tracks from CDs whose name starts with 'S'"; } { my $where = { '' => { -like => 'W%' }, 'cd.year' => { '>' => 2000 }, 'position' => { '<' => 3 } }; my $attr = { order_by => "cd.title DESC, title" } ; my @cds = Music::Track->deep_search_where($where, $attr); is_deeply [ @cds ], [ 9, 10, 1, 2 ], "First 2 tracks from W's albums after 2000 "; my $count = Music::Track->count_deep_search_where($where); is_deeply $count, 4, "Count First 2 tracks from W's albums after 2000"; } { my $where = { '' => { -like => 'W%' }, 'cd.year' => { '>' => 2000 }, 'position' => { '<' => 3 } }; my $attr = { order_by => [ 'cd.title DESC' , 'title' ] } ; my @cds = Music::Track->deep_search_where($where, $attr); is_deeply [ @cds ], [ 9, 10, 1, 2 ], "First 2 tracks from W's albums after 2000, array ref order "; my $count = Music::Track->count_deep_search_where($where); is_deeply $count, 4, "Count First 2 tracks from W's albums after 2000, array ref order"; } { my $where = { 'cd.title' => [ -and => { -like => '%o%' }, { -like => '%W%' } ] }; my $attr = { order_by => [ '' ] } ; my @tracks = Music::Track->deep_search_where($where, $attr); is_deeply [ @tracks ], [ 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ], "Tracks from CD titles containing 'o' AND 'W'"; } { my $where = { 'cd.year' => [ 1995, 1999 ] }; my $attr = { order_by => [ '' ] } ; my @tracks = Music::Track->deep_search_where($where, $attr); is_deeply [ @tracks ], [ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6 ], "Tracks from CDs from 1995, 1999"; } { my $where = { 'cd.year' => { -in => [ 1995, 1999 ] } }; my $attr = { order_by => [ '' ] } ; my @tracks = Music::Track->deep_search_where($where, $attr); is_deeply [ @tracks ], [ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6 ], "Tracks from CDs in 1995, 1999"; } { my $where = { -and => [ 'cd.year' => [ 1995, 1999 ], position => { '<=', 2 } ] }; my $attr = { order_by => [ '' ] } ; my @tracks = Music::Track->deep_search_where($where, $attr); is_deeply [ @tracks ], [ 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6 ], "First 2 tracks Tracks from CDs from 1995, 1999"; } { my $where = { -and => [ 'cd.year' => { -in => [ 1995, 1999 ] }, position => { '<=', 2 } ] }; my $attr = { order_by => [ '' ] } ; my @tracks = Music::Track->deep_search_where($where, $attr); is_deeply [ @tracks ], [ 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6 ], "First 2 tracks Tracks from CDs in 1995, 1999"; } { my $where = { '' => { -in => [ 'Sony', 'Supraphon', 'Bogus' ] } }; my $attr = { order_by => [ 'id' ] } ; my @cds = Music::CD->deep_search_where($where, $attr); is_deeply [ @cds ], [ 2, 4, 6, 7 ], "CDs from Sony or Supraphon"; } { my $where = { '' => [ 'Sony', 'Supraphon', 'Bogus' ] }; my $attr = { order_by => [ 'id' ] } ; my @cds = Music::CD->deep_search_where($where, $attr); is_deeply [ @cds ], [ 2, 4, 6, 7 ], "CDs from Sony or Supraphon"; } done_testing;