use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Warn; use lib 't/cdbi/testlib'; use Film; my $waves = Film->insert({ Title => "Breaking the Waves", Director => 'Lars von Trier', Rating => 'R' }); local $ENV{DBIC_CDBICOMPAT_HASH_WARN} = 0; { local $ENV{DBIC_CDBICOMPAT_HASH_WARN} = 1; warnings_like { my $rating = $waves->{rating}; $waves->Rating("PG"); is $rating, "R", 'evaluation of column value is not deferred'; } qr{^Column 'rating' of 'Film/$waves' was fetched as a hash at\b}; warnings_like { is $waves->{title}, $waves->Title, "columns can be accessed as hashes"; } qr{^Column 'title' of 'Film/$waves' was fetched as a hash at\b}; $waves->Rating("G"); warnings_like { is $waves->{rating}, "G", "updating via the accessor updates the hash"; } qr{^Column 'rating' of 'Film/$waves' was fetched as a hash at\b}; warnings_like { $waves->{rating} = "PG"; } qr{^Column 'rating' of 'Film/$waves' was stored as a hash at\b}; $waves->update; my @films = Film->search( Rating => "PG", Title => "Breaking the Waves" ); is @films, 1, "column updated as hash was saved"; } warning_is { $waves->{rating} } '', 'DBIC_CDBICOMPAT_HASH_WARN controls warnings'; { $waves->rating("R"); $waves->update; no warnings 'redefine'; local *Film::rating = sub { return "wibble"; }; is $waves->{rating}, "R"; } { no warnings 'redefine'; no warnings 'once'; local *Actor::accessor_name_for = sub { my($class, $col) = @_; return "movie" if lc $col eq "film"; return $col; }; require Actor; Actor->has_a( film => "Film" ); my $actor = Actor->insert({ name => 'Emily Watson', film => $waves, }); ok !eval { $actor->film }; is $actor->{film}->id, $waves->id, 'hash access still works despite lack of accessor'; } # Emulate that Class::DBI inflates immediately SKIP: { unless (eval { require MyFoo }) { my ($err) = $@ =~ /([^\n]+)/; skip $err, 3 } my $foo = MyFoo->insert({ name => 'Whatever', tdate => '1949-02-01', }); isa_ok $foo, 'MyFoo'; isa_ok $foo->{tdate}, 'Date::Simple'; is $foo->{tdate}->year, 1949; } done_testing;