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use strict;
use lib 't/cdbi/testlib';
DBICTest::Schema::CD->load_components(qw/CDBICompat CDBICompat::Pager/);
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(compose_connection => 1);
my ( $pager, $it ) = DBICTest::CD->page(
{ order_by => 'title',
rows => 3,
page => 1 } );
cmp_ok( $pager->entries_on_this_page, '==', 3, "entries_on_this_page ok" );
cmp_ok( $pager->next_page, '==', 2, "next_page ok" );
is( $it->next->title, "Caterwaulin' Blues", "iterator->next ok" );
is( $it->next, undef, "next past end of page ok" );
( $pager, $it ) = DBICTest::CD->page(
{ rows => 2,
page => 2,
disable_sql_paging => 1 } );
cmp_ok( $pager->total_entries, '==', 5, "disable_sql_paging total_entries ok" );
cmp_ok( $pager->previous_page, '==', 1, "disable_sql_paging previous_page ok" );
is( $it->next->title, "Caterwaulin' Blues", "disable_sql_paging iterator->next ok" );
is( $it->next, undef, "disable_sql_paging next past end of page ok" );
# based on a failing criteria submitted by waswas
( $pager, $it ) = DBICTest::CD->page(
{ title => [
-and =>
-like => '%bees'
-not_like => 'Forkful%'
{ rows => 5 }
is( $it->count, 1, "complex abstract count ok" );