use strict; use warnings; use lib qw(t/lib); use Test::More; use DBICTest ':DiffSQL'; my ($ROWS, $OFFSET) = ( DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::ClassicExtensions->__rows_bindtype, DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::ClassicExtensions->__offset_bindtype, ); my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(); # non-collapsing prefetch (no multi prefetches) { my $rs = $schema->resultset("CD") ->search_related('tracks', { position => [1,2] }, { prefetch => [qw/disc lyrics/], rows => 3, offset => 8 }, ); my @wherebind = ( [ { sqlt_datatype => 'int', dbic_colname => 'position' } => 1 ], [ { sqlt_datatype => 'int', dbic_colname => 'position' } => 2 ], ); is ($rs->all, 2, 'Correct number of objects'); $schema->is_executed_sql_bind( sub { is ($rs->count, 2, 'Correct count via count()'); }, [[ 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM cd me JOIN track tracks ON = me.cdid JOIN cd disc ON disc.cdid = WHERE ( ( position = ? OR position = ? ) ) ', @wherebind ]], 'count softlimit applied'); my $crs = $rs->count_rs; is ($crs->next, 2, 'Correct count via count_rs()'); is_same_sql_bind ( $crs->as_query, '(SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM ( SELECT tracks.trackid FROM cd me JOIN track tracks ON = me.cdid JOIN cd disc ON disc.cdid = WHERE ( ( position = ? OR position = ? ) ) LIMIT ? OFFSET ? ) tracks )', [ @wherebind, [$ROWS => 3], [$OFFSET => 8] ], 'count_rs db-side limit applied', ); } # has_many prefetch with limit { my $rs = $schema->resultset("Artist") ->search_related('cds', { 'tracks.position' => [1,2] }, { prefetch => [qw/tracks artist/], rows => 3, offset => 4 }, ); my @wherebind = ( [ { sqlt_datatype => 'int', dbic_colname => 'tracks.position' } => 1 ], [ { sqlt_datatype => 'int', dbic_colname => 'tracks.position' } => 2 ], ); is ($rs->all, 1, 'Correct number of objects'); $schema->is_executed_sql_bind( sub { is ($rs->count, 1, 'Correct count via count()'); }, [ [ 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM ( SELECT cds.cdid FROM artist me JOIN cd cds ON cds.artist = me.artistid LEFT JOIN track tracks ON = cds.cdid JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = cds.artist WHERE tracks.position = ? OR tracks.position = ? GROUP BY cds.cdid ) cds ', @wherebind ]], 'count softlimit applied' ); my $crs = $rs->count_rs; is ($crs->next, 1, 'Correct count via count_rs()'); is_same_sql_bind ( $crs->as_query, '(SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM ( SELECT cds.cdid FROM artist me JOIN cd cds ON cds.artist = me.artistid LEFT JOIN track tracks ON = cds.cdid JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = cds.artist WHERE tracks.position = ? OR tracks.position = ? GROUP BY cds.cdid LIMIT ? OFFSET ? ) cds )', [ @wherebind, [$ROWS => 3], [$OFFSET => 4], ], 'count_rs db-side limit applied', ); } # count with a having clause { my $rs = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search( {}, { join => 'cds', group_by => 'me.artistid', '+select' => [ { max => 'cds.year', -as => 'newest_cd_year' } ], '+as' => ['newest_cd_year'], having => { 'newest_cd_year' => '2001' } } ); my $crs = $rs->count_rs; is_same_sql_bind ( $crs->as_query, '(SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM ( SELECT me.artistid, MAX( cds.year ) AS newest_cd_year FROM artist me LEFT JOIN cd cds ON cds.artist = me.artistid GROUP BY me.artistid HAVING newest_cd_year = ? ) me )', [ [ { dbic_colname => 'newest_cd_year' } => '2001' ] ], 'count with having clause keeps sql as alias', ); is ($crs->next, 2, 'Correct artist count (each with one 2001 cd)'); } # count with two having clauses { my $rs = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search( {}, { join => 'cds', group_by => 'me.artistid', '+select' => [ { max => 'cds.year', -as => 'newest_cd_year' } ], '+as' => ['newest_cd_year'], having => { 'newest_cd_year' => [ '1998', '2001' ] } } ); my $crs = $rs->count_rs; is_same_sql_bind ( $crs->as_query, '(SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM ( SELECT me.artistid, MAX( cds.year ) AS newest_cd_year FROM artist me LEFT JOIN cd cds ON cds.artist = me.artistid GROUP BY me.artistid HAVING newest_cd_year = ? OR newest_cd_year = ? ) me )', [ [ { dbic_colname => 'newest_cd_year' } => '1998' ], [ { dbic_colname => 'newest_cd_year' } => '2001' ], ], 'count with having clause keeps sql as alias', ); is ($crs->next, 3, 'Correct artist count (each with one 1998 or 2001 cd)'); } done_testing;