use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest;

my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();

my @serializers = (
    { module => '',
      inflater => sub { YAML::Load (shift) },
      deflater => sub { die "Expecting a reference" unless (ref $_[0]); YAML::Dump (shift) },
    { module => '',
      inflater => sub { Storable::thaw (shift) },
      deflater => sub { die "Expecting a reference" unless (ref $_[0]); Storable::nfreeze (shift) },

my $selected;
foreach my $serializer (@serializers) {
    eval { require $serializer->{module} };
    unless ($@) {
      $selected = $serializer;

plan (skip_all => "No suitable serializer found") unless $selected;

DBICTest::Schema::Serialized->inflate_column( 'serialized',
    { inflate => $selected->{inflater},
      deflate => $selected->{deflater},
Class::C3->reinitialize if DBIx::Class::_ENV_::OLD_MRO;

my $struct_hash = {
    a => 1,
    b => [
        { c => 2 },
    d => 3,

my $struct_array = [
      b => 1,
      c => 2,

my $rs = $schema->resultset('Serialized');
my $inflated;

#======= testing hashref serialization

my $object = $rs->create( {
    serialized => '',
} );
ok($object->update( { serialized => $struct_hash } ), 'hashref deflation');
ok($inflated = $object->serialized, 'hashref inflation');
is_deeply($inflated, $struct_hash, 'inflated hash matches original');

$object = $rs->create( {
    serialized => '',
} );
$object->set_inflated_column('serialized', $struct_hash);
is_deeply($object->serialized, $struct_hash, 'inflated hash matches original');

$object = $rs->new({});
$object->serialized ($struct_hash);
is_deeply (
  $rs->find ({id => $object->id})->serialized,
  'new/insert works',

#====== testing arrayref serialization

ok($object->update( { serialized => $struct_array } ), 'arrayref deflation');
ok($inflated = $object->serialized, 'arrayref inflation');
is_deeply($inflated, $struct_array, 'inflated array matches original');

$object = $rs->new({});
$object->serialized ($struct_array);
is_deeply (
  $rs->find ({id => $object->id})->serialized,
  'new/insert works',

#===== make sure make_column_dirty interacts reasonably with inflation
$object = $rs->first;
$object->update ({serialized => { x => 'y'}});

$object->serialized->{x} = 'z'; # change state without notifying $object
ok (!$object->get_dirty_columns, 'no dirty columns yet');
is_deeply ($object->serialized, { x => 'z' }, 'object data correct');


is_deeply ($rs->first->serialized, { x => 'z' }, 'changes made it to the db' );
