Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

use strict;
use Carp;
use Scalar::Util qw(isweak weaken blessed reftype);
use DBIx::Class::_Util qw(refcount hrefaddr refdesc);
use DBICTest::Util qw( stacktrace visit_namespaces );
use constant {
CV_TRACING => !DBICTest::RunMode->is_plain && DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for ('test_leaks_heavy'),
SKIP_SCALAR_REFS => ( "$]" < 5.008004 ),
use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(populate_weakregistry assert_empty_weakregistry visit_refs);
my $refs_traced = 0;
my $leaks_found = 0;
my %reg_of_regs;
sub populate_weakregistry {
my ($weak_registry, $target, $note) = @_;
croak 'Expecting a registry hashref' unless ref $weak_registry eq 'HASH';
croak 'Target is not a reference' unless length ref $target;
my $refaddr = hrefaddr $target;
# a registry could be fed to itself or another registry via recursive sweeps
return $target if $reg_of_regs{$refaddr};
return $target if SKIP_SCALAR_REFS and reftype($target) eq 'SCALAR';
weaken( $reg_of_regs{ hrefaddr($weak_registry) } = $weak_registry )
unless( $reg_of_regs{ hrefaddr($weak_registry) } );
# an explicit "garbage collection" pass every time we store a ref
# if we do not do this the registry will keep growing appearing
# as if the traced program is continuously slowly leaking memory
for my $reg (values %reg_of_regs) {
(defined $reg->{$_}{weakref}) or delete $reg->{$_}
for keys %$reg;
if (! defined $weak_registry->{$refaddr}{weakref}) {
$weak_registry->{$refaddr} = {
stacktrace => stacktrace(1),
weakref => $target,
weaken( $weak_registry->{$refaddr}{weakref} );
my $desc = refdesc $target;
$weak_registry->{$refaddr}{slot_names}{$desc} = 1;
if ($note) {
$note =~ s/\s*\Q$desc\E\s*//g;
$weak_registry->{$refaddr}{slot_names}{$note} = 1;
# Regenerate the slots names on a thread spawn
sub CLONE {
my @individual_regs = grep { scalar keys %{$_||{}} } values %reg_of_regs;
%reg_of_regs = ();
for my $reg (@individual_regs) {
my @live_slots = grep { defined $_->{weakref} } values %$reg
or next;
$reg = {}; # get a fresh hashref in the new thread ctx
weaken( $reg_of_regs{hrefaddr($reg)} = $reg );
for my $slot_info (@live_slots) {
my $new_addr = hrefaddr $slot_info->{weakref};
# replace all slot names
$slot_info->{slot_names} = { map {
my $name = $_;
$name =~ s/\(0x[0-9A-F]+\)/sprintf ('(%s)', $new_addr)/ieg;
($name => 1);
} keys %{$slot_info->{slot_names}} };
$reg->{$new_addr} = $slot_info;
sub visit_refs {
my $args = { (ref $_[0]) ? %{$_[0]} : @_ };
$args->{seen_refs} ||= {};
my $visited_cnt = '0E0';
for my $i (0 .. $#{$args->{refs}} ) {
next unless length ref $args->{refs}[$i]; # not-a-ref
my $addr = hrefaddr $args->{refs}[$i];
# no diving into weakregistries
next if $reg_of_regs{$addr};
next if $args->{seen_refs}{$addr}++;
my $r = $args->{refs}[$i];
$args->{action}->($r) or next;
# This may end up being necessarry some day, but do not slow things
# down for now
#if ( defined( my $t = tied($r) ) ) {
# $visited_cnt += visit_refs({ %$args, refs => [ $t ] });
my $type = reftype $r;
local $@;
eval {
if ($type eq 'HASH') {
$visited_cnt += visit_refs({ %$args, refs => [ map {
( !isweak($r->{$_}) ) ? $r->{$_} : ()
} keys %$r ] });
elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') {
$visited_cnt += visit_refs({ %$args, refs => [ map {
( !isweak($r->[$_]) ) ? $r->[$_] : ()
} 0..$#$r ] });
elsif ($type eq 'REF' and !isweak($$r)) {
$visited_cnt += visit_refs({ %$args, refs => [ $$r ] });
elsif (CV_TRACING and $type eq 'CODE') {
$visited_cnt += visit_refs({ %$args, refs => [ map {
( !isweak($_) ) ? $_ : ()
} values %{ scalar PadWalker::closed_over($r) } ] }); # scalar due to RT#92269
} or warn "Could not descend into @{[ refdesc $r ]}: $@\n";
# compiles a list of addresses stored as globals (possibly even catching
# class data in the form of method closures), so we can skip them further on
sub symtable_referenced_addresses {
my $refs_per_pkg;
my $seen_refs = {};
action => sub {
no strict 'refs';
my $pkg = shift;
# the unless regex at the end skips some dangerous namespaces outright
# (but does not prevent descent)
$refs_per_pkg->{$pkg} += visit_refs (
seen_refs => $seen_refs,
action => sub { 1 },
refs => [ map { my $sym = $_;
# *{"${pkg}::$sym"}{CODE} won't simply work - MRO-cached CVs are invisible there
( CV_TRACING ? Class::MethodCache::get_cv("${pkg}::$sym") : () ),
( defined *{"${pkg}::$sym"}{SCALAR} and length ref ${"${pkg}::$sym"} and ! isweak( ${"${pkg}::$sym"} ) )
? ${"${pkg}::$sym"} : ()
( map {
( defined *{"${pkg}::$sym"}{$_} and ! isweak(defined *{"${pkg}::$sym"}{$_}) )
? *{"${pkg}::$sym"}{$_}
: ()
} keys %{"${pkg}::"} ],
) unless $pkg =~ /^ (?:
DB | next | B | .+? ::::ISA (?: ::CACHE ) | Class::C3 | B::Hooks::EndOfScope::PP::HintHash::.+
) $/x;
# use Devel::Dwarn;
# Ddie [ map
# { { $_ => $refs_per_pkg->{$_} } }
# sort
# {$refs_per_pkg->{$a} <=> $refs_per_pkg->{$b} }
# keys %$refs_per_pkg
# ];
sub assert_empty_weakregistry {
my ($weak_registry, $quiet) = @_;
# in case we hooked bless any extra object creation will wreak
# havoc during the assert phase
local *CORE::GLOBAL::bless;
*CORE::GLOBAL::bless = sub { CORE::bless( $_[0], (@_ > 1) ? $_[1] : caller() ) };
croak 'Expecting a registry hashref' unless ref $weak_registry eq 'HASH';
defined $weak_registry->{$_}{weakref} or delete $weak_registry->{$_}
for keys %$weak_registry;
return unless keys %$weak_registry;
my $tb = eval { Test::Builder->new }
or croak "Calling assert_empty_weakregistry in $0 without a loaded Test::Builder makes no sense";
for my $addr (keys %$weak_registry) {
$weak_registry->{$addr}{display_name} = join ' | ', (
{ length $a <=> length $b or $a cmp $b }
keys %{$weak_registry->{$addr}{slot_names}}
$tb->BAILOUT("!!!! WEAK REGISTRY SLOT $weak_registry->{$addr}{display_name} IS NOT A WEAKREF !!!!")
if defined $weak_registry->{$addr}{weakref} and ! isweak( $weak_registry->{$addr}{weakref} );
# the symtable walk is very expensive
# if we are $quiet (running in an END block) we do not really need to be
# that thorough - can get by with only %Sub::Quote::QUOTED
delete $weak_registry->{$_} for $quiet
? do {
my $refs = {};
visit_refs (
# only look at the closed over stuffs
refs => [ grep { length ref $_ } (
# old style Sub::Quote
( map { values %{ $_->[2]} } grep { ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' } values %Sub::Quote::QUOTED ),
# new style Sub::Quote
( map { values %{ $_->{captures}} } grep { ref $_ eq 'HASH' } values %Sub::Quote::QUOTED ),
seen_refs => $refs,
action => sub { 1 },
keys %$refs;
: (
# full sumtable walk, starting from ::
keys %{ symtable_referenced_addresses() }
for my $addr (sort { $weak_registry->{$a}{display_name} cmp $weak_registry->{$b}{display_name} } keys %$weak_registry) {
next if ! defined $weak_registry->{$addr}{weakref};
$leaks_found++ unless $tb->in_todo;
$tb->ok (0, "Expected garbage collection of $weak_registry->{$addr}{display_name}");
my $diag = do {
local $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 1;
sprintf "\n%s (refcnt %d) => %s\n",
ref($weak_registry->{$addr}{weakref}) eq 'CODE'
) ? '__XSUB__' : Dumper( $weak_registry->{$addr}{weakref} )
# FIXME - need to add a circular reference seeker based on the visitor
# (will need a bunch of modifications, punting with just a stub for now)
$diag .= Devel::FindRef::track ($weak_registry->{$addr}{weakref}, 50) . "\n"
if ( $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE} && eval { require Devel::FindRef });
$diag =~ s/^/ /mg;
if (my $stack = $weak_registry->{$addr}{stacktrace}) {
$diag .= " Reference first seen$stack";
# if ($leaks_found == 1) {
# # using the fh dumper due to intermittent buffering issues
# # in case we decide to exit soon after (possibly via _exit)
# require Devel::MAT::Dumper;
# local $Devel::MAT::Dumper::MAX_STRING = -1;
# open( my $fh, '>:raw', "leaked_${addr}_pid$$.pmat" ) or die $!;
# Devel::MAT::Dumper::dumpfh( $fh );
# close ($fh) or die $!;
# use POSIX;
# POSIX::_exit(1);
# }
if (! $quiet and !$leaks_found and ! $tb->in_todo) {
$tb->ok(1, sprintf "No leaks found at %s line %d", (caller())[1,2] );
if (
my $tb = do {
local $@;
my $t = eval { Test::Builder->new }
or warn "Test::Builder->new failed:\n$@\n";
) {
# we check for test passage - a leak may be a part of a TODO
if ($leaks_found and !$tb->is_passing) {
"\n\n%s\n%s\n\nInstall Devel::FindRef and re-run the test with set "
. '$ENV{TEST_VERBOSE} (prove -v) to see a more detailed leak-report'
. "\n\n%s\n%s\n\n", ('#' x 16) x 4
) if ( !$ENV{TEST_VERBOSE} or !$INC{'Devel/FindRef.pm'} );
else {
$tb->note("Auto checked $refs_traced references for leaks - none detected");
# also while we are here and not in plain runmode: make sure we never
# loaded any of the strictures XS bullshit (it's a leak in a sense)
unless (
# FIXME - SQLT loads strictures explicitly, /facedesk
# remove this INC check when 0fb58589 and 45287c815 are rectified
) {
for my $mod (qw(indirect multidimensional bareword::filehandles)) {
( my $fn = "$mod.pm" ) =~ s|::|/|g;
$tb->ok(0, "Load of '$mod' should not have been attempted!!!" )
if exists $INC{$fn};