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use strict;
use lib qw(t/lib);
sub mc_diag { diag (@_) if $ENV{DBIC_MULTICREATE_DEBUG} };
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
mc_diag (<<'DG');
* Try a diamond multicreate
Artist -> has_many -> Artwork_to_Artist -> belongs_to
belongs_to <- CD <- belongs_to <- Artwork <-/
\-> Artist2
lives_ok (sub {
$schema->resultset ('Artist')->create ({
name => 'The wooled wolf',
artwork_to_artist => [{
artwork => {
cd => {
title => 'Wool explosive',
year => 1999,
artist => { name => 'The black exploding sheep' },
my $art2 = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->find ({ name => 'The black exploding sheep' });
ok ($art2, 'Second artist exists');
my $cd = $art2->cds->single;
is ($cd->title, 'Wool explosive', 'correctly created CD');
is_deeply (
[ $cd->artwork->artists->get_column ('name')->all ],
[ 'The wooled wolf' ],
'Artist correctly attached to artwork',
}, 'Diamond chain creation ok');