use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Exception; use lib qw(t/lib); use DBICTest::Schema::Artist; my $pkg = 'DBICTest::Schema::Artist'; for my $call (qw(has_many might_have has_one belongs_to)) { { local $TODO = 'stupid stupid heuristic - needs to die' if $call eq 'belongs_to'; throws_ok { $pkg->$call( foos => 'nonexistent bars', { foo => 'self.artistid' } ); } qr/Malformed relationship condition key 'foo': must be prefixed with 'foreign.'/, "Correct exception on $call with malformed foreign."; } throws_ok { $pkg->has_many( foos => 'nonexistent bars', { '' => 'name' } ); } qr/\QMalformed relationship condition value 'name': must be prefixed with 'self.'/, "Correct exception on $call with malformed self."; } done_testing;