use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use lib qw(t/lib); use DBICTest; my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(); # test with relname == colname my $bookmark = $schema->resultset("Bookmark")->find(1); ok( $bookmark->has_column ('link'), 'Right column name' ); ok( $bookmark->has_relationship ('link'), 'Right rel name' ); my $link = $bookmark->link; my $new_link = $schema->resultset("Link")->create({ url => "", title => "", id => 9, }); is( $bookmark->link->id, 1, 'Initial relation id' ); $bookmark->set_column( 'link', 9 ); is( $bookmark->link->id, 9, 'Correct object re-selected after belongs_to set' ); $bookmark->discard_changes; is( $bookmark->link->id, 1, 'Pulled the correct old object after belongs_to reset' ); $bookmark->link($new_link); is( $bookmark->get_column('link'), 9, 'Correct column set from related' ); $bookmark->discard_changes; is( $bookmark->link->id, 1, 'Pulled the correct old object after belongs_to reset' ); $bookmark->link(9); is( $bookmark->link->id, 9, 'Correct object selected on deflated accessor set'); $bookmark->discard_changes; is( $bookmark->link->id, 1, 'Pulled the correct old object after belongs_to reset' ); $bookmark->update({ link => 9 }); is( $bookmark->link->id, 9, 'Correct relationship after update' ); is( $bookmark->get_from_storage->link->id, 9, 'Correct relationship after re-select' ); # test with relname != colname my $lyric = $schema->resultset('Lyrics')->create({ track_id => 5 }); is( $lyric->track->id, 5, 'Initial relation id'); $lyric->track_id(6); my $track6 = $lyric->track; is( $track6->trackid, 6, 'Correct object re-selected after belongs_to set'); $lyric->discard_changes; is( $lyric->track->trackid, 5, 'Pulled the correct old rel object after belongs_to reset'); $lyric->track($track6); is( $lyric->track_id, 6, 'Correct column set from related'); $lyric->discard_changes; is( $lyric->track->trackid, 5, 'Pulled the correct old rel object after belongs_to reset'); $lyric->update({ track => $track6 }); is( $lyric->track->trackid, 6, 'Correct relationship obj after update' ); is( $lyric->get_from_storage->track->trackid, 6, 'Correct relationship after re-select' ); done_testing;