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use strict;
use lib qw(t/lib);
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
my $cd_rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search ({ genreid => undef }, { columns => [ 'genreid' ]} );
my $count = $cd_rs->count;
cmp_ok ( $count, '>', 1, 'several CDs with no genre');
my @objects = $cd_rs->all;
is (scalar @objects, $count, 'Correct amount of objects without limit');
isa_ok ($_, 'DBICTest::CD') for @objects;
is_deeply (
[ map { values %{{$_->get_columns}} } (@objects) ],
[ (undef) x $count ],
'All values are indeed undef'
isa_ok ($cd_rs->search ({}, { rows => 1 })->single, 'DBICTest::CD');