use strict; use warnings; use lib qw(t/lib); use Test::More; use Test::Exception; # MASSIVE FIXME - there is a hole in ::RSC / as_subselect_rs # losing the order. Needs a rework/extract of the realiaser, # and that's a whole another bag of dicks BEGIN { $ENV{DBIC_SHUFFLE_UNORDERED_RESULTSETS} = 0 } use DBICTest::Schema::CD; BEGIN { # the default scalarref table name will not work well for this test DBICTest::Schema::CD->table('cd'); } use DBIx::Class::_Util 'scope_guard'; use DBICTest; my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema; my $tkfks = $schema->resultset('FourKeys_to_TwoKeys'); my ($fa, $fb, $fc) = $tkfks->related_resultset ('fourkeys')->populate ([ [qw/foo bar hello goodbye sensors read_count/], [qw/1 1 1 1 a 10 /], [qw/2 2 2 2 b 20 /], [qw/1 1 1 2 c 30 /], ]); # This is already provided by DBICTest #my ($ta, $tb) = $tkfk->related_resultset ('twokeys')->populate ([ # [qw/artist cd /], # [qw/1 1 /], # [qw/2 2 /], #]); my ($ta, $tb) = $schema->resultset ('TwoKeys') ->search ( [ { artist => 1, cd => 1 }, { artist => 2, cd => 2 } ], { order_by => 'artist' }) ->all; my $tkfk_cnt = $tkfks->count; my $non_void_ctx = $tkfks->populate ([ { autopilot => 'a', fourkeys => $fa, twokeys => $ta, pilot_sequence => 10 }, { autopilot => 'b', fourkeys => $fb, twokeys => $tb, pilot_sequence => 20 }, { autopilot => 'x', fourkeys => $fa, twokeys => $tb, pilot_sequence => 30 }, { autopilot => 'y', fourkeys => $fb, twokeys => $ta, pilot_sequence => 40 }, ]); is ($tkfks->count, $tkfk_cnt += 4, 'FourKeys_to_TwoKeys populated succesfully'); # # Make sure the forced group by works (i.e. the joining does not cause double-updates) # # create a resultset matching $fa and $fb only my $fks = $schema->resultset ('FourKeys')->search ( { sensors => { '!=', 'c' }, ( map { $_ => [1, 2] } qw/foo bar hello goodbye/ ), }, { join => { fourkeys_to_twokeys => 'twokeys' }} ); my $read_count_inc = 0; is ($fks->count, 4, 'Joined FourKey count correct (2x2)'); $schema->is_executed_sql_bind( sub { $fks->update ({ read_count => \ 'read_count + 1' }); $read_count_inc++; }, [[ 'UPDATE fourkeys SET read_count = read_count + 1 WHERE ( ( ( bar = ? OR bar = ? ) AND ( foo = ? OR foo = ? ) AND ( goodbye = ? OR goodbye = ? ) AND ( hello = ? OR hello = ? ) AND sensors != ? ) ) ', (1, 2) x 4, 'c', ]], 'Correct update-SQL with multijoin with pruning' ); is ($fa->discard_changes->read_count, 10 + $read_count_inc, 'Update ran only once on discard-join resultset'); is ($fb->discard_changes->read_count, 20 + $read_count_inc, 'Update ran only once on discard-join resultset'); is ($fc->discard_changes->read_count, 30, 'Update did not touch outlier'); # make the multi-join stick my $fks_multi = $fks->search( { 'fourkeys_to_twokeys.pilot_sequence' => { '!=' => 666 } }, { order_by => [ $fks->result_source->primary_columns ] }, ); # Versions of libsqlite before 3.14 do not support multicolumn-in # namely WHERE ( foo, bar ) IN ( SELECT foo, bar FROM ... ) # # Run both variants to ensure the SQL is correct, and also observe whether # the autodetection worked correctly for the current SQLite version { my $detected_can_mci = $schema->storage->_use_multicolumn_in ? 1 : 0; for my $force_use_mci (0, 1) { my $orig_use_mci = $schema->storage->_use_multicolumn_in; my $sg = scope_guard { $schema->storage->_use_multicolumn_in($orig_use_mci); }; $schema->storage->_use_multicolumn_in( $force_use_mci); $schema->is_executed_sql_bind( sub { my $executed = 0; eval { $fks_multi->update ({ read_count => \ 'read_count + 1' }); $executed = 1; $read_count_inc++; }; is( $executed, ( ( ! $detected_can_mci and $force_use_mci) ? 0 : 1 ), "Executed status as expected with multicolumn-in capability ($detected_can_mci) combined with forced-mci-use ($force_use_mci)" ); }, [ $force_use_mci ?( [ 'UPDATE fourkeys SET read_count = read_count + 1 WHERE (foo, bar, hello, goodbye) IN ( SELECT,, me.hello, me.goodbye FROM fourkeys me LEFT JOIN fourkeys_to_twokeys fourkeys_to_twokeys ON fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_bar = AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_foo = AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_goodbye = me.goodbye AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_hello = me.hello WHERE ( bar = ? OR bar = ? ) AND ( foo = ? OR foo = ? ) AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.pilot_sequence != ? AND ( goodbye = ? OR goodbye = ? ) AND ( hello = ? OR hello = ? ) AND sensors != ? ORDER BY foo, bar, hello, goodbye ) ', ( 1, 2) x 2, 666, ( 1, 2) x 2, 'c', ] ) :( [ 'BEGIN' ], [ 'SELECT,, me.hello, me.goodbye FROM fourkeys me LEFT JOIN fourkeys_to_twokeys fourkeys_to_twokeys ON fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_bar = AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_foo = AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_goodbye = me.goodbye AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_hello = me.hello WHERE ( bar = ? OR bar = ? ) AND ( foo = ? OR foo = ? ) AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.pilot_sequence != ? AND ( goodbye = ? OR goodbye = ? ) AND ( hello = ? OR hello = ? ) AND sensors != ? GROUP BY,, me.hello, me.goodbye ORDER BY foo, bar, hello, goodbye ', (1, 2) x 2, 666, (1, 2) x 2, 'c', ], [ 'UPDATE fourkeys SET read_count = read_count + 1 WHERE ( bar = ? AND foo = ? AND goodbye = ? AND hello = ? ) OR ( bar = ? AND foo = ? AND goodbye = ? AND hello = ? ) ', ( (1) x 4, (2) x 4 ), ], [ 'COMMIT' ], ) ], "Correct update-SQL with multijoin without pruning ( use_multicolumn_in forced to: $force_use_mci )" ); is ($fa->discard_changes->read_count, 10 + $read_count_inc, 'Update ran expected amount of times on joined resultset'); is ($fb->discard_changes->read_count, 20 + $read_count_inc, 'Update ran expected amount of times on joined resultset'); is ($fc->discard_changes->read_count, 30, 'Update did not touch outlier'); $schema->is_executed_sql_bind( sub { my $executed = 0; eval { my $res = $fks_multi->search (\' "blah" = "bleh" ')->delete; $executed = 1; ok ($res, 'operation is true'); cmp_ok ($res, '==', 0, 'zero rows affected'); }; is( $executed, ( ( ! $detected_can_mci and $force_use_mci) ? 0 : 1 ), "Executed status as expected with multicolumn-in capability ($detected_can_mci) combined with forced-mci-use ($force_use_mci)" ); }, [ $force_use_mci ? ( [ 'DELETE FROM fourkeys WHERE ( foo, bar, hello, goodbye ) IN ( SELECT,, me.hello, me.goodbye FROM fourkeys me LEFT JOIN fourkeys_to_twokeys fourkeys_to_twokeys ON fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_bar = AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_foo = AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_goodbye = me.goodbye AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_hello = me.hello WHERE "blah" = "bleh" AND ( bar = ? OR bar = ? ) AND ( foo = ? OR foo = ? ) AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.pilot_sequence != ? AND ( goodbye = ? OR goodbye = ? ) AND ( hello = ? OR hello = ? ) AND sensors != ? ORDER BY foo, bar, hello, goodbye )', (1, 2) x 2, 666, (1, 2) x 2, 'c', ] ) : ( [ 'BEGIN' ], [ 'SELECT,, me.hello, me.goodbye FROM fourkeys me LEFT JOIN fourkeys_to_twokeys fourkeys_to_twokeys ON fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_bar = AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_foo = AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_goodbye = me.goodbye AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_hello = me.hello WHERE "blah" = "bleh" AND ( bar = ? OR bar = ? ) AND ( foo = ? OR foo = ? ) AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.pilot_sequence != ? AND ( goodbye = ? OR goodbye = ? ) AND ( hello = ? OR hello = ? ) AND sensors != ? GROUP BY,, me.hello, me.goodbye ORDER BY foo, bar, hello, goodbye ', (1, 2) x 2, 666, (1, 2) x 2, 'c', ], [ 'COMMIT' ], ) ], 'Correct null-delete-SQL with multijoin without pruning' ); is ($fa->discard_changes->read_count, 10 + $read_count_inc, 'Noop update did not touch anything'); is ($fb->discard_changes->read_count, 20 + $read_count_inc, 'Noop update did not touch anything'); is ($fc->discard_changes->read_count, 30, 'Update did not touch outlier'); $schema->is_executed_sql_bind( sub { my $executed = 0; eval { $fks->search({ 'twokeys.artist' => { '!=' => 666 } })->update({ read_count => \ 'read_count + 1' }); $executed = 1; $read_count_inc++; }; is( $executed, ( ( ! $detected_can_mci and $force_use_mci) ? 0 : 1 ), "Executed status as expected with multicolumn-in capability ($detected_can_mci) combined with forced-mci-use ($force_use_mci)" ); }, [ $force_use_mci ? ( [ 'UPDATE fourkeys SET read_count = read_count + 1 WHERE ( foo, bar, hello, goodbye ) IN ( SELECT,, me.hello, me.goodbye FROM fourkeys me LEFT JOIN fourkeys_to_twokeys fourkeys_to_twokeys ON fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_bar = AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_foo = AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_goodbye = me.goodbye AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_hello = me.hello LEFT JOIN twokeys twokeys ON twokeys.artist = fourkeys_to_twokeys.t_artist AND = fourkeys_to_twokeys.t_cd WHERE ( bar = ? OR bar = ? ) AND ( foo = ? OR foo = ? ) AND ( goodbye = ? OR goodbye = ? ) AND ( hello = ? OR hello = ? ) AND sensors != ? AND twokeys.artist != ? )', (1, 2) x 4, 'c', 666, ] ) : ( [ 'BEGIN' ], [ 'SELECT,, me.hello, me.goodbye FROM fourkeys me LEFT JOIN fourkeys_to_twokeys fourkeys_to_twokeys ON fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_bar = AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_foo = AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_goodbye = me.goodbye AND fourkeys_to_twokeys.f_hello = me.hello LEFT JOIN twokeys twokeys ON twokeys.artist = fourkeys_to_twokeys.t_artist AND = fourkeys_to_twokeys.t_cd WHERE ( bar = ? OR bar = ? ) AND ( foo = ? OR foo = ? ) AND ( goodbye = ? OR goodbye = ? ) AND ( hello = ? OR hello = ? ) AND sensors != ? AND twokeys.artist != ? GROUP BY,, me.hello, me.goodbye ', (1, 2) x 4, 'c', 666, ], [ 'UPDATE fourkeys SET read_count = read_count + 1 WHERE ( bar = ? AND foo = ? AND goodbye = ? AND hello = ? ) OR ( bar = ? AND foo = ? AND goodbye = ? AND hello = ? ) ', ( (1) x 4, (2) x 4 ), ], [ 'COMMIT' ], ) ], 'Correct update-SQL with premultiplied restricting join without pruning' ); is ($fa->discard_changes->read_count, 10 + $read_count_inc, 'Update ran expected amount of times on joined resultset'); is ($fb->discard_changes->read_count, 20 + $read_count_inc, 'Update ran expected amount of times on joined resultset'); is ($fc->discard_changes->read_count, 30, 'Update did not touch outlier'); } } # # Make sure multicolumn in or the equivalent functions correctly # my $sub_rs = $tkfks->search ( [ { map { $_ => 1 } qw/artist.artistid cd.cdid fourkeys.hello fourkeys.goodbye/ }, { map { $_ => 2 } qw/artist.artistid cd.cdid fourkeys.hello fourkeys.goodbye/ }, ], { join => [ 'fourkeys', { twokeys => [qw/artist cd/] } ], }, ); is ($sub_rs->count, 2, 'Only two rows from fourkeys match'); # ensure we do not do something dumb on MCI-not-supporting engines { my $orig_use_mci = $schema->storage->_use_multicolumn_in; my $sg = scope_guard { $schema->storage->_use_multicolumn_in($orig_use_mci); }; $schema->storage->_use_multicolumn_in(0); # attempts to delete a global-grouped rs should fail miserably throws_ok ( sub { $sub_rs->search ({}, { distinct => 1 })->delete }, qr/attempted a delete operation on a resultset which does group_by on columns other than the primary keys/, 'Grouped rs update/delete not allowed', ); } # grouping on PKs only should pass $sub_rs->search ( {}, { group_by => [ reverse $sub_rs->result_source->primary_columns ], # reverse to make sure the PK-list comparison works }, )->update ({ pilot_sequence => \ 'pilot_sequence + 1' }); is_deeply ( [ $tkfks->search ({ autopilot => [qw/a b x y/]}, { order_by => 'autopilot' }) ->get_column ('pilot_sequence')->all ], [qw/11 21 30 40/], 'Only two rows incremented', ); # also make sure weird scalarref usage works (RT#51409) $tkfks->search ( \ 'pilot_sequence BETWEEN 11 AND 21', )->update ({ pilot_sequence => \ 'pilot_sequence + 1' }); is_deeply ( [ $tkfks->search ({ autopilot => [qw/a b x y/]}, { order_by => 'autopilot' }) ->get_column ('pilot_sequence')->all ], [qw/12 22 30 40/], 'Only two rows incremented (where => scalarref works)', ); { my $rs = $schema->resultset('FourKeys_to_TwoKeys')->search ( { -or => [ { 'me.pilot_sequence' => 12 }, { 'me.autopilot' => 'b' }, ], } ); lives_ok { $rs->update({ autopilot => 'z' }) } 'Update with table name qualifier in -or conditions lives'; is_deeply ( [ $tkfks->search ({ pilot_sequence => [12, 22]}) ->get_column ('autopilot')->all ], [qw/z z/], '... and yields the right data', ); } $sub_rs->delete; is ($tkfks->count, $tkfk_cnt -= 2, 'Only two rows deleted'); # make sure limit-only deletion works cmp_ok ($tkfk_cnt, '>', 1, 'More than 1 row left'); $tkfks->search ({}, { rows => 1 })->delete; is ($tkfks->count, $tkfk_cnt -= 1, 'Only one row deleted'); # check with sql-equality, as sqlite will accept most bad sql just fine { my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search( { 'me.year' => { '!=' => 2010 } }, ); $schema->is_executed_sql_bind( sub { $rs->search({}, { join => 'liner_notes' })->delete; }, [[ 'DELETE FROM cd WHERE ( year != ? )', 2010, ]], 'Non-restricting multijoins properly thrown out' ); $schema->is_executed_sql_bind( sub { $rs->search({}, { prefetch => 'liner_notes' })->delete; }, [[ 'DELETE FROM cd WHERE ( year != ? )', 2010, ]], 'Non-restricting multiprefetch thrown out' ); $schema->is_executed_sql_bind( sub { $rs->search({}, { prefetch => 'artist' })->delete; }, [[ 'DELETE FROM cd WHERE ( cdid IN ( SELECT me.cdid FROM cd me JOIN artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist WHERE ( me.year != ? ) ) )', 2010, ]], 'Restricting prefetch left in, selector thrown out'); ### switch artist and cd to fully qualified table names ### make sure nothing is stripped out my $cd_rsrc = $schema->source('CD'); $cd_rsrc->name(''); $cd_rsrc->relationship_info($_)->{attrs}{cascade_delete} = 0 for $cd_rsrc->relationships; my $art_rsrc = $schema->source('Artist'); $art_rsrc->name(\'main.artist'); $art_rsrc->relationship_info($_)->{attrs}{cascade_delete} = 0 for $art_rsrc->relationships; $schema->is_executed_sql_bind( sub { $rs->delete }, [[ 'DELETE FROM WHERE year != ?', 2010, ]], 'delete with fully qualified table name' ); $rs->create({ title => 'foo', artist => 1, year => 2000 }); $schema->is_executed_sql_bind( sub { $rs->delete_all }, [ [ 'BEGIN' ], [ 'SELECT me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track FROM me WHERE me.year != ?', 2010, ], [ 'DELETE FROM WHERE ( cdid = ? )', 1, ], [ 'COMMIT' ], ], 'delete_all with fully qualified table name' ); $rs->create({ cdid => 42, title => 'foo', artist => 2, year => 2000 }); my $cd42 = $rs->find(42); $schema->is_executed_sql_bind( sub { $cd42->delete }, [[ 'DELETE FROM WHERE cdid = ?', 42, ]], 'delete of object from table with fully qualified name' ); $schema->is_executed_sql_bind( sub { $cd42->related_resultset('artist')->delete }, [[ 'DELETE FROM main.artist WHERE ( artistid IN ( SELECT me.artistid FROM main.artist me WHERE ( me.artistid = ? ) ) )', 2, ]], 'delete of related object from scalarref fully qualified named table' ); my $art3 = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find(3); $schema->is_executed_sql_bind( sub { $art3->related_resultset('cds')->delete; }, [[ 'DELETE FROM WHERE ( artist = ? )', 3, ]], 'delete of related object from fully qualified named table' ); $schema->is_executed_sql_bind( sub { $art3->cds_unordered->delete; }, [[ 'DELETE FROM WHERE ( artist = ? )', 3, ]], 'delete of related object from fully qualified named table via relaccessor' ); $schema->is_executed_sql_bind( sub { $rs->search({}, { prefetch => 'artist' })->delete; }, [[ 'DELETE FROM WHERE ( cdid IN ( SELECT me.cdid FROM me JOIN main.artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist WHERE ( me.year != ? ) ) )', 2010, ]], 'delete with fully qualified table name and subquery correct' ); # check that as_subselect_rs works ok # inner query is untouched, then a selector # and an IN condition $schema->is_executed_sql_bind( sub { $schema->resultset('CD')->search({ 'me.cdid' => 1, '' => 'partytimecity', }, { join => 'artist', })->as_subselect_rs->delete; }, [[ ' DELETE FROM WHERE ( cdid IN ( SELECT me.cdid FROM ( SELECT me.cdid, me.artist, me.title, me.year, me.genreid, me.single_track FROM me JOIN main.artist artist ON artist.artistid = me.artist WHERE = ? AND me.cdid = ? ) me ) ) ', 'partytimecity', 1, ]], 'Delete from as_subselect_rs works correctly' ); } done_testing;