=head1 NAME
DPKG::Log::Entry - Describe a log entry in a dpkg.log
=head1 VERSION
version 1.20
use DPKG::Log::Entry;
$dpkg_log_entry = DPKG::Log::Entry->new( line => $line, $lineno => 1)
This module is used to describe one line in a dpkg log
by parameterizing every line into generic parameters like
=over 3
=item * Type of log entry (startup-, status-, action-lines)
=item * Timestamp
=item * Subject of log entry (e.g. package, packages or archives)
=item * Package name (if log entry refers to a package subject)
and so on.
The various parameters are described below together with
the various methods to access or modify them.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
$DPKG::Log::Entry::VERSION = '1.20';
use strict;
use overload ( '""' => 'line' );
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw( $valid_types $valid_actions );
our $valid_types = {
status => 1,
action => 1,
startup => 1,
conffile_action => 1
our $valid_actions = {
'install' => 1,
'configure' => 1,
'trigproc' => 1,
'upgrade' => 1,
'remove' => 1,
'purge' => 1,
use Params::Validate qw(:all);
=item $dpkg_log_entry = PACKAGE->new( 'line' => $line, 'lineno' => $lineno )
Returns a new DPKG::Log::Entry object.
The arguments B<line> and B<lineno> are mandatore. They store the complete line
as stored in the log and the line number.
Additionally its possible to specify every attribute the object can store,
as 'key' => 'value' pairs.
sub new {
my $package = shift;
$package = ref($package) if ref($package);
my %params = validate(
@_, {
'line' => { 'type' => SCALAR },
'lineno' => { 'type' => SCALAR },
'timestamp' => '',
'associated_package' => '',
'action' => '',
'status' => '',
'subject' => '',
'type' => '',
'installed_version' => '',
'available_version' => '',
'decision' => '',
'conffile' => '',
my $self = {
bless($self, $package);
return $self;
=over 4
=item $dpkg_log_entry->line() / line
Return the full log line. This attribute is set on object initialization.
sub line {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{line};
=item $dpkg_log_entry->lineno() / lineno
Return the line number of this entry. This attribute is set on object initialization.
sub lineno {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{lineno};
=item $dpkg_log_entry->timestamp() / timestamp
Get or set the timestamp of this object. Should be a DateTime object.
sub timestamp {
my ($self, $timestamp) = @_;
if ($timestamp) {
if ((not ref($timestamp)) or (ref($timestamp) ne "DateTime")) {
croak("timestamp has to be a DateTime object");
$self->{timestamp} = $timestamp;
} else {
$timestamp = $self->{timestamp};
return $timestamp;
=item $dpkg_log_entry->type() / type
Get or set the type of this entry. Specifies weither this is a startup,
status or action line.
sub type {
my ($self, $type) = @_;
if ($type) {
if (not defined($valid_types->{$type})) {
croak("$type is not a valid type. has to be one of ".join(",", keys %{$valid_types}));
$self->{type} = $type;
} else {
$type = $self->{type}
return $type;
=item $dpkg_log_entry->associated_package() / associated_package
Get or set the associated_package of this entry. This is for lines that are associated to a certain
package like in action or status lines. Its usually unset for startup and status lines.
sub associated_package {
my ($self, $associated_package) = @_;
if ($associated_package) {
$self->{associated_package} = $associated_package;
} else {
$associated_package = $self->{associated_package};
return $associated_package;
=item $dpkg_log_entry->action() / action
Get or set the action of this entry. This is for lines that have a certain action,
like in startup-lines (unpack, configure) or action lines (install, remove).
It is usally unset for status lines.
sub action {
my ($self, $action) = @_;
if ($action) {
if (not defined($valid_actions->{$action})) {
croak("$action is not a valid action. has to be one of ".join(",", keys %{$valid_actions}));
$self->{action} = $action;
} else {
$action = $self->{action};
return $action;
=item $dpkg_log_entry->status() / status
Get or set the status of the package this entry refers to.
sub status {
my ($self, $status) = @_;
if ($status) {
$self->{'status'} = $status;
} else {
$status = $self->{status}
return $status;
=item $dpkg_log_entry->subject() / subject
Gets or Defines the subject of the entry. For startup lines this is usually 'archives' or 'packages'
for all other lines its 'package'.
sub subject {
my ($self, $subject) = @_;
if ($subject) {
$self->{subject} = $subject;
} else {
$subject = $self->{subject};
return $subject;
=item $dpkg_log_entry->installed_version() / installed_version
Gets or Defines the installed_version of the package this entry refers to.
It refers to the current installed version of the package depending on the
current status. Is "<none>" (or similar) if action is 'install', old version in
case of an upgrade.
sub installed_version {
my ($self, $installed_version) = @_;
if ($installed_version) {
$self->{'installed_version'} = $installed_version;
} else {
$installed_version = $self->{installed_version};
return $installed_version;
=item $dpkg_log_entry->available_version() / available_version
Gets or Defines the available_version of the package this entry refers to.
It refers to the currently available version of the package depending on the
current status. Is different from installed_version if the action is install or upgrade.
sub available_version {
my ($self, $available_version) = @_;
if ($available_version) {
$self->{'available_version'} = $available_version;
} else {
$available_version = $self->{available_version};
return $available_version;
=item $dpkg_log_entry->conffile() / conffile
Get or set a conffile for a line indicating a conffile change.
sub conffile {
my ($self, $conffile) = @_;
if ($conffile) {
$self->{conffile} = $conffile;
} else {
$conffile = $self->{conffile};
=item $dpkg_log_entry->decision() / decision
Gets or defines the decision for a line indicating a conffile change.
sub decision {
my ($self, $decision) = @_;
if ($decision) {
$self->{decision} = $decision;
} else {
$decision = $self->{decision}
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Patrick Schoenfeld <schoenfeld@debian.org>.
Copyright (C) 2011 Patrick Schoenfeld <schoenfeld@debian.org>
This library is free software.
You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself.
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