Revision history for Dancer2-Plugin-BrowserDetect

1.163590  2016-12-24 19:20:51+01:00 Europe/Paris

    Convert to pure Plugin2 (Dancer2::Plugin v0.200000). This allows plugin to
    be consumed by other plugins. (Peter Mottram)

1.162360  2016-08-23 23:48:18+02:00 Europe/Paris

    Remove dancer 1 dependency by nfg (#3).

1.160190  2016-01-19 23:36:52+01:00 Europe/Paris

    Remove some existing deprecation warnings and add changes needed for next Dancer2::Plugin by Peter Mottram (#2).

1.141180  2014-04-28 10:59:07CEST+0200 Europe/Paris

    Fix github url project by MartinMcGrath (#1).
    Initial version developed.