Revision history for Dancer2-Session-MongoDB
0.004 2016-08-17 13:41:44-05:00 America/Chicago
- Skip tests (rather than fail) if MongoDB is not installed (Jason Crome)
- Add _change_id method in preparation for upcoming change_session_id
app method in Dancer2 (Peter Mottram)
0.003 2016-08-09 15:30:36-05:00 America/Chicago
- Numerous Dist::Zilla fixes (Peter Mottram, David Golden)
- Switch to Plack::Test instead of Test::TCP and
LWP::UserAgent (Peter Mottram)
0.002 2013-02-23 22:27:55 America/New_York
- Renamed from Dancer-SessionFactory-MongoDB to
- Internals updated for new Dancer2 release
0.001 2013-01-24 20:07:45 America/New_York
- First release